How to gain live followers on Instagram without cheating? My personal experience and first experiment. How to quickly gain subscribers on Instagram: the main ways Who to like on Instagram to follow

How to gain live followers on Instagram without cheating? My personal experience and first experiment. How to quickly gain followers on Instagram: the main ways Who to like on Instagram to follow

Now is the right time to start boost followers on Instagram. The service is visited by more than 300 million users every day, and its level of engagement has reached sky-high levels.

And now is a particularly interesting time for marketers. The company announced that it is launching a new set of tools for them, including new business profiles, analytics and the ability to create advertisements directly in the app.

We've been experimenting a lot lately: sharing content, posting links, trying new ways to grow our company's Instagram account, and it's been so much fun. Since Instagram is the platform we decided to focus our efforts on, we thought it would be interesting to explore ways to increase your following.

Read this article to learn the 10 best tactics ( with examples and tools) that we have defined. They will help you expand your audience on Instagram:

10 Best Instagram Growth Tactics

10 effective ways to increase followers on Instagram for free:

  1. Post regularly ( at least once a day);
  2. Research and download quality hashtags;
  3. Share user-generated content;
  4. Ask users to “tag friends”;
  5. Use the right filters;
  6. Launch photo competitions;
  7. Add multiple emoticons;
  8. Use cross-platform promotion;
  9. Post a video;
  10. Share your love.

1. Post regularly (at least once a day)

At the beginning of 2015, the team of the social media analysis service Quintly analyzed over 5,000 profiles to see how many posts an Instagram account has on average per day.

What's interesting is that the accounts with the most followers posted 2 or 3 photos per day. This data suggests that more successful accounts post new content more often:

Main conclusion: post on Instagram more often. Brands that regularly post new photos to Instagram see better results.

Increase followers on Instagram has the same algorithm as Facebook, and regularity appears to be key to getting your posts to appear at the top of people's feeds. If you post updates regularly and optimize them to get more engagement, then according to our Instagram algorithm theory, your updates have a better chance of appearing at the top of users' feeds.

2. Research and download quality hashtags

We've done a lot of research on hashtags, and it seems like no other social network has them as important as Instagram. The right hashtag can bring an image to a larger target audience, and Instagram users are not yet hashtag fatigue like other social media platforms.

In other words, a hashtag can be an effective tool for increasing the popularity of an account. Instagram allows you to add a maximum of 30 hashtags per post, and many users use this limit completely:

A TrackMaven study found that Instagram posts with 11 or more hashtags have the highest engagement rates:

What hashtags to use?

One method I often use is to look at what hashtags are being used in similar posts. Here's how I do it:

  1. Before sending a photo, add a couple of relevant hashtags to it;
  2. Then look for photos that use the same hashtags and see what other hashtags users add to them;
  3. I then go back to my photo to edit it and add any additional relevant hashtags I found.

You can make this process easier by searching and recording hashtags that are relevant to your brand. You can do keyword research for your blog in a similar way. Brands use hashtags to launch unique campaigns, here are some of them:

Another way to search for hashtags is check out the top 100 hashtags from Websta. You can also use this service to search for relevant keywords and popular accounts.

3. Share user-generated content

In just 3 months, we managed to increase the audience of our Instagram account by 60% - from 5850 to 9400 subscribers. Much of this growth is due to the publication of user-generated content.

It looks something like this: brands take the most interesting user content from around the Internet and post it on their social accounts or other platforms, not forgetting to thank the authors of the materials.

4. Ask users to “tag friends”

I recently received some great advice that has helped me with my marketing. non-commercial tastings. I posted photos of dishes from past tastings and asked my 11,000 followers to comment and tag a friend they'd like to attend the next event with. As a result, a large number of people learned about our event who otherwise would not have heard about it:

This tactic works for other events as well.

5. Use the right filters

Instagram's variety of filters not only make using the service fun. Choosing the right filter can get you more views. Researchers from Georgia Tech and Yahoo Labs analyzed millions of photos and compared data regarding how often they were viewed and commented on. The results revealed that photos with filters were 21% more likely to be viewed and 45% more likely to receive comments than photos without filters.

After studying five different types of filters, researchers increase likes and subscribers on Instagram came to the conclusion that the most likely increase in an image’s chances of being viewed and commented on are filters that set:

  • long exposure;
  • higher contrast.

A slow shutter speed is the biggest factor in increasing the number of views a photo receives, and warmth has the strongest correlation with the number of comments. However, the two types of filters had opposite effects: saturation resulted in fewer views for photos, and age effects resulted in a decrease in the average number of comments. Curalate has a great infographic that shows even more factors you can use to optimize the appearance of your photos to get deeper engagement and engagement:

6. Run photo contests

7. Add multiple emojis

Emoticons are becoming a universal way of expressing emotions - in Instagram report says, that today almost 50% of all Instagram captions and comments contain an emoji or two. I know I post them in articles and some even add them to their nicknames, making them even more interesting.

Anthony Thompson was able to triple his Instagram following by using emojis in posts and comments without apps for getting followers on Instagram:

8. Cross-platform promotion

Instagram makes it easy to share images with Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr and Foursquare. Using different platforms is a great tactic to increase your reach. You can also try inserting Instagram photos into your blog posts or add Instagram embeds to Facebook page. Check out Buffer's Facebook page with Instagram embeds added:

Buzzsumo study of over a billion messages from 3 million corporate pages showed that images posted to Facebook using Instagram generated more user engagement than just posted images:

9. Try a video

Instagram allows you to upload videos lasting 3-60 seconds, and when this feature was first introduced, users published more than 5 million videos in the first 24 hours. In the same time study conducted by Locowise in April 2015, showed that at that time, video posts accounted for only about 10% of all posts on Instagram. However, they also accounted for about 18% of all comments. This shows that video is another important area to focus your marketing efforts on. boosting followers on Instagram.

Instagram is a popular social service that every smartphone owner has heard of. This social network specializes in publishing photos and short videos, so in order for your posts to be seen by family and friends, you need to expand your list of subscribers.

Subscribers are other Instagram users who have added you as “friends”, in other words, subscribed, so your latest posts will be visible in their feed. The number of subscribers is displayed on your page, and clicking on this number shows specific names.

Adding subscribers

Users can add to the list of subscribers, or rather, subscribe to you, in two ways, which depend on whether your page is open or not.

Option 1: your profile is public

The easiest way to get followers is if your Instagram page is open to all users. If a user wants to subscribe to you, he clicks the appropriate button, after which your list of subscribers is replenished with one more person.

Option 2: Your profile is private

If you have restricted viewing of your page to users who are not on your list of subscribers, then they will only be able to view your posts after you approve the application.

How to get subscribers among your friends

Most likely, you already have more than a dozen friends who successfully use Instagram. All that remains is to notify them that you have joined this social network.

Option 1: a bunch of social networks

Option 2: linking a phone number

Users who have your number saved in their phone book will be able to find out that you have registered on Instagram. To do this, you just need to link your phone to the service.

Option 3: Posting photos from Instagram to other social networks

Users will also be able to find out about your activity and follow you if you post a photo not only on Instagram, but also on other social networks.

Option 4: Adding a link to your Instagram profile on social networks

Option 5: sending messages, creating a post on the wall

The easiest way for all your friends and acquaintances to know that you have registered on Instagram is if you send everyone a link to your profile in a private message or create a corresponding post on your wall. For example, in the VKontakte service you can post a message on the wall with approximately the following text:

How to find new subscribers

Let's assume that all your friends have already subscribed to you. If this is not enough for you, you can increase your list of subscribers by devoting time to promoting your account.

Today, there are a lot of possibilities for promoting a profile on Instagram: adding hashtags, mutual PR, using special services and much more - all you have to do is choose the most suitable method for you.

How to get a lot of live followers on Instagram for free and quickly? How to gain your first subscribers without harming your profile - read about all this in the article below.

In recent years, Instagram has transformed from a personal photo album into an online platform for trading and promoting services. The success of projects is measured by profit, and it is people who bring it. Therefore, one of the most pressing questions is how to gain followers on Instagram. The struggle for their quantity, as well as quality, is not just a pursuit of popularity. Live subscribers are future clients and customers of stores, salons or services. For a blogger who makes money from advertising, this indicator is also important. The cost of placing a post on the page depends on it.

At first, many people try to work independently without investing in promotion. And they are trying to figure out how to gain followers on Instagram for free and whether it can be done. Of course you can. Especially if you have achieved success and gained fame in real, not virtual life. For example, the host of the reality show “House 2” Ksenia Borodina hardly made any efforts and paid for almost 12 million subscribers to her account.

But an ordinary user will have to work a lot and hard, show imagination and look for creative solutions. And you will have to forget about the dream of how to quickly gain subscribers on Instagram. Get ready to work hard, this is not a very quick task. But if you constantly devote time to it, you will be able to achieve significant results.

We are ready to help you buy Instagram subscriptions for your page at a fairly inexpensive price. Go to the price list for services and choose the most suitable option for yourself. In addition, you can also get fairly large discounts on bulk purchases of the resource.

Let's look at different ways to gain followers on Instagram for free:

    Actively subscribe to other accounts and show attention to other users: like, write comments. Don't ignore recommended pages. On Instagram, as in other social networks, it is customary to take retaliatory actions. Someone will definitely follow you too. To speed up the process, automate it using programs. But be careful, mass following, like mass liking, can be dangerous (we’ll talk about this later);

    Make an attractive profile. Design your header beautifully and informatively, choose an interesting nickname and a cute avatar;

    Post new publications regularly, at least 1-2 times a day. Try to give them both in your feed and in stories to attract different people. Make a content plan so you don’t miss posts and don’t rack your brain about what to fill the page with. According to statistics, the maximum number of views are collected by publications added on Wednesdays and Sundays;

    Don’t neglect the opportunity to post simultaneously on different social networks;

    Pay attention to the quality of the content. Learn to take photos and videos, use filters and effects. Texts for publications must be attractive. Put the most catchy things at the beginning, add calls to action: rate, tell, answer, comment, express your opinion;

    Be sure to put hashtags, take popular ones and come up with personal ones so that your publications are different and easy to search;

    Set a geolocation for each post, the more accurate the location, the better, sometimes people simply subscribe to those who are nearby;

    Master new Instagram features. Of the latest innovations, IGTV (your own video channel) and live broadcasts are especially useful. The effects in “Stories” are curious and funny: masks, gifs and others;

    Look for your signature and style to attract followers. This quality can be represented by any gesture or detail in the photo/video;

    Be helpful. Talk about your personal experience, share knowledge, recipes, life hacks, talk about successes and mistakes.

After reading this list, you already guessed that gaining followers on Instagram, and even for free, will not be easy. And even then, something needs to be spent. For example, when holding a competition you need a prize that you want to compete for. Your time and effort are also only at first glance - a free resource. In fact, such work costs a lot.

How to gain your first followers on Instagram without harming your profile

Users starting promotion are often interested in how to get their first followers on Instagram. The easiest and most harmless way is to contact your relatives, friends, colleagues and acquaintances, including on other social networks. You can ask them to follow your page and recommend you to someone they are in contact with. In this way, you can begin to solve the problem of how to gain followers on Instagram without harming your profile.

But as a rule, the social circle of an ordinary person is not so wide. This way you will gain several dozen followers or at most several hundred. And if this is not enough for you and you want to know how to get a lot of followers on Instagram, it would be right to look for help on the Internet. You can choose who to entrust this work to:

    Freelancers who offer their services on online exchanges. One of them is There you can get acquainted with the ratings of performers, agree on the cost and terms of the order. The disadvantages of this option are the high price and the human factor, you will not receive clear guarantees, it all depends on the integrity of the freelancer;

    Performers from thematic forums work for a modest fee, but there are even fewer guarantees. The quality of followers is low and the security of your account may suffer. This is a real pig in a poke, you won’t know in advance whether you will be lucky or not;

    Commercial services specializing in SMM services, in other words, promotion in social networks. These are professionals who understand how to gain your first followers on Instagram safely and quickly. The price even in one company can be different, it depends on the quality and size of the order. But a reliable service always gives a firm guarantee. With such a partner, you will not jeopardize the security of your account and do not risk losing money. We will return to this topic later.

You can buy cheap likes on Instagram using our service. Right now you will have access to a wide range of additional options for any service. However, this will not affect the prices in any way - choose what suits you!

By the way, study the website in more detail. This service is one of the leaders in promoting and earning money on the most famous social networks of the Runet.

Before you gain your first followers on Instagram by any means, you need to take care of your account. Think for yourself, when inviting guests, you clean the house and prepare a treat. You need to act in much the same way on social networks. Of course, your family and friends will subscribe to the half-empty page to fulfill your request. But people you don’t know will not stay in an account that doesn’t have an avatar, information about its owner, or publications.

You must make a favorable impression on your guest from the very first minutes and even seconds. Otherwise, he will leave, and you will not lure him again.

    Your first advertising post is your profile. This is why it is so important to choose a short nickname (login). It is used in searches, so it is appropriate to give a hashtag that relates to your activity. For example, massaz.saratov. Approach the issue creatively, or perhaps with humor. For example, for personal blogs you can choose a nickname or a funny abbreviation of your first and last name.

    If you do not include a photo (avatar), you may be considered a bot. Besides, how can your account without an avatar be recognized among pages with similar names? In addition to your photo (or another attractive person), you can take the company logo or an image of a typical product. By the way, profiles with a human face inspire more confidence among users.

    You can try to include a definition of your business in the account name. You can use up to 30 characters, but less is better. Therefore, we must try.

    In the “About Me” field you need to make a small, only 150 characters, presentation of your business or yourself. Be sure to provide contact information. Priority goes to phones and numbers of WhatsApp, Viber and other instant messengers. Don't forget about territorial affiliation if you provide services only to local residents.

    If you want to stand out, write the text in capital letters or in an original font, add emoticons and pictures to the topic.

If you are thinking about how to gain live followers on Instagram, look at your account critically and correct the shortcomings.

And of course, post photos/videos and create stories. Until there are at least 15 publications on the page, you should not actively gain subscribers. Their sharp growth may cause unnecessary interest on the part of the social network administration.

Pros and cons of recruiting Instagram followers yourself

Let's say you have already created your profile according to all the rules and have worked hard to fill out the page. We signed up all household members, distant relatives and even their pets to our account. But you are not going to stop. And now we have set a new goal. Do you want to know how to get 10,000 followers on Instagram. Is it possible to reach this level on your own? With great difficulty, even if you are ready to spend a long time online or do it with the help of mass following programs.

Do the math yourself. On average, only every third user subscribes in response. Instagram limits the number of subscriptions in a profile; they can only be increased to 7,500. It turns out that even if you exhaust the limit, you will not complete the task of how to gain 10,000 subscribers on Instagram.

In addition, independently recruiting followers carries certain risks. We have already talked about one thing - exceeding the limit on actions. This is almost a sure way to get banned. What else:

    Programs that automate mass following may contain viruses. After purchasing the software, you will not receive guarantees that it will work. As a rule, the seller is not involved in setting up or maintaining the program;

    Some sites, under various pretexts, offer subscribers for free. Behind such charity there may be scammers who want your account. For example, to send spam. For this, Instagram sends you to a lifelong ban;

    Exchanges, sites that offer barter: you do tasks, get points, and spend them on subscribers; they give you bots, not real accounts. Then you will need to get rid of this passive ballast.

Of course, there are undoubted advantages to recruiting subscribers yourself. You won’t have to spend money, or the expenses will be small. You will thoroughly study the process and understand how and what works. Just face it: can your account attract 10 thousand people? After all, you’re not dreaming about bots, but thinking about how to get real followers on Instagram.

Such an order can be fulfilled by services providing SMM services. With them, the process will move faster and without unnecessary fears. But only if you find honest professionals. They know how to gain followers without the risk of getting banned.

On the Internet you will see many offers from those who are ready to take on your order. How do you know who you can trust with your account and your money? Practice shows that there are a number of criteria by which a reliable service can be determined. What you should pay attention to when choosing a partner:

    The presence of positive reviews from clients on third-party resources, a certain amount of criticism is acceptable, it is impossible to please everyone;

    The service has a website with an attractive design and a user-friendly interface; Reputable companies do not skimp on appearance and customer comfort;

    The website should have a section with operating rules, clearly describing the guarantees that the customer receives;

    There is an indication of the company’s experience; the more experience, the higher the level of professionalism; however, newcomers are eager to conquer the market and may invest more effort;

    To receive the service, you do not need to register; personal data is not needed for such an order;

    The company takes payment through reliable payment systems, there are options for making payments;

    The service has a support service, its employees respond promptly and adequately to requests;

    The price list is publicly available, it is detailed and understandable, the client at the stage of discussing the order sees how much and for what he will pay;

    The cost of the service is the average price range for this service;

    The service allows you to place a minimum order so that the client can test the service.

As you have seen, in order to find a worthy partner, it is enough to carefully analyze his website. Perhaps it’s worth conducting a test to understand how the recruitment of subscribers is going and what doesn’t suit you.

Do you want to buy comments on Instagram posts to increase activity on your page? You can do this using our website not only quickly, but also quite efficiently. We offer various options for adding messages to posts that can suit any user. Hurry up to place your order while there are discounts on the site.

We told you in detail how to gain followers on Instagram yourself and for free. They explained the pros and cons of using programs, freelancers, and services. All you have to do is make the right choice.

Today we have to figure out how to get a lot of subscribers on Instagram. This question worries many users, because in the modern world, subscribers reflect a person’s popularity. They are chasing this indicator to show their fame and need. Let's quickly figure out how to get a lot of followers on Instagram.

Live communication

The first scenario is live communication. Only this approach can be called reliable and real. But he is not as fast as we would like. To get as many subscribers as possible to your account, you just need to be an active, friendly and friendly person.

If you already have a lot of friends, you can simply agree on a subscription with them. It is unlikely that a good person will be refused. In addition, do not forget about communication on the Internet. This is what will attract the majority of users. Just remember - not everyone will agree to follow you. Sometimes during communication you will have to conduct so-called negotiations. They are needed to answer how to get a lot of subscribers on Instagram. For example, you will also follow the person in return. A very effective way. But sometimes it takes a lot of time. And this fact is not particularly encouraging. For this reason, you will have to look for other options for the development of events.

Competitions and prizes

People by nature are very fond of various sweepstakes and competitions. And this may help you answer how to get a lot of followers on Instagram. To be honest, it’s enough to just come up with a theme and prizes, and then start publishing information about this event.

As a rule, it is quizzes and competitions on social networks that can quickly and permanently attract new visitors to your account. Moreover, this approach will provide you with a glorious reputation as a generous user. Nothing makes you happier than a good rating on the World Wide Web. True, there are some difficulties: you will have to constantly monitor your account, and also constantly come up with various competitions and prizes. If the last point turns out to be uninteresting, then you will quickly lose your audience. And it will be extremely difficult to get her back.

In principle, interesting ideas for competitions can always be found in various sources. In the end, just conduct a survey among your visitors to find out their desires for the quiz. Maybe they will give you some very interesting ideas. It’s worth starting with simple and easy competitions (for example, the best slogan or photo on a certain topic). The more users can take part in the drawing, the better.


How to get a lot of followers on Instagram? For example, you can try using comments. Oddly enough, many users begin their communication in this way.

Important: it is better to write comments to photographs and posts of celebrities. In all this, consider the interests of your audience. If you specialize in children's goods and things, then comments on photos of famous mothers will do. With all this, try to ensure that your messages do not look like advertising. This will only scare away new audiences.

But if you somehow attract attention to yourself with a comment, then you can hope for success. Yes, this is also not the fastest scenario. But it is effective. And if you are in no hurry (as is usually the case), then he is the one who will help you cope with the task. The main thing is to set goals for yourself. In this case, the question of how to get many subscribers on Instagram will be resolved quite quickly. Just remember to update the data and posts in your account promptly.


There is also such a thing as PR. It can (and even should) be done on your own from time to time. But it can be quite difficult to do this. To do this, you will have to register several accounts from which advertisements will be published. In addition, the question always arises of where to place advertisements. Self-PR is a very useful thing. She will help you figure out how to get a lot of followers on Instagram.

The best way to promote yourself is in the comments under photographs and posts of celebrities. This approach is somewhat reminiscent of the previous one, only now there is no need to engage in conversation or dialogue. Just post from an additional account advertising your profile, and then wait for the results.

Remember that this approach requires constant updating of information. That is, your comments will soon be deleted, and you will have to leave them again and again. This process will have to become a habit. If you doubt that you can update on time, it is better not to start this method. You will just waste time and energy.

Buying subscribers

Nothing motivates like money. And therefore, they are the ones who will help solve the question of how to get many followers on Instagram. What should I do? Just let them know that all people who follow your account will receive a cash reward. You should not offer too large or small amounts. About 100-200 rubles is enough. For those who regularly earn money this way, this is a pretty good offer.

It is best to use special services on the Internet to pay. There you leave an ad with a price, and users accept it. After subscribing, they receive their money. With all this, Internet services will guarantee that the user will not unsubscribe from you after the funds are credited, because in this case they will simply be debited from the account, as if no one subscribed at all. If a person makes money on social networks, then it simply makes no sense for him not to fulfill the terms of the contract.

True, there are other options that will help you figure out how to get more subscribers on Instagram. Some of them may seem extremely effective. And now we will figure out what still needs to be done to achieve the goal set for us today.


There is also such a thing as a bot. This is an automated program that is designed to perform certain actions. This scenario often helps answer how to have many followers on Instagram. The best bot is located in the "Socelin" service.

You just need to download it, install it, run it and then log in using your account. Next, you set the subscription parameters (it’s best not to recruit too many people at once), as well as the period for which “people” should subscribe. After that, click on the start button and wait. After some time, you will see new users begin to subscribe to your account. These are bots. True, it is now extremely difficult to distinguish them from a real person.

Be careful when using bots. This technique is punishable by the administration of the social network. So, if you are thinking about how to have many followers on Instagram, in a safe and reliable way, then leave the idea of ​​bots. They won't suit you in this case.

Paid PR

The most popular, although not the cheapest, scenario is nothing more than paid PR for your profile. This service is provided by special Internet companies that engage in marketing and advertising. The idea is that you pay a fee, and special workers publish ads and build up an audience for you on Instagram. How to get more subscribers? To do this, just contact a special service and pay for the services. And then wait.

It is best to contact well-known companies. On the same Socelin website you can easily and simply find the services you need. And people quickly and efficiently complete their tasks. The main thing is to agree on payment and the day of the promotion.

At the same time, try to make sure that you still have the contacts of the company providing the services. Sometimes there are scammers who receive payment and then disappear without a trace.


But nothing helps as much as a program for increasing followers on Instagram. Such applications are far from rare these days. And they help many users on different social networks. Especially if you are thinking about how to get a lot of followers on Instagram.

What needs to be done to implement the idea? Just download the application (it’s usually called “Instagram Cheat”), and then install it on your computer. Now you can simply log in and set the settings for execution. This process is reminiscent of setting up a bot. The program for getting followers on Instagram is ready. Launch it and wait. However, you will have to be extremely careful in this matter.

Dangers are close

But any program for promotion and PR on social networks has a number of dangers. And they can cause great harm to you and your computer. Which ones exactly? Let's figure it out.

To begin with, if you are wondering how to get a lot of subscribers on Instagram, then most likely you do not care about the cost of this service. Sometimes specialized applications require huge payments from the user. And after the so-called “activation” the program stops working.

In addition, cheating programs are, for the most part, viruses. They penetrate your computer and steal your social media accounts. It will be extremely difficult to get your profile back later. Be careful when trying to attract subscribers. Only by following the rules can you hope for real success.

How to quickly gain followers on Instagram is an important process for a modern social network user. A lot of people are required to subscribe, regardless of the goals and focus of the profile. The article describes the most effective and popular ways to increase the number of subscribers. Using them, you can significantly increase the total number of subscribers, completely legally and for free.

To legally acquire many fans or potential clients, it is worth defining a certain strategy and line of behavior. This can be the sale of goods or services, or the provision of interesting information content.

It is worth carefully considering the main topic of the profile, setting the optimal goal and results that need to be achieved in the process of using the profile. If you need to solve the issue of audience size, you need to set and solve the following goals:

  1. Create a competent content plan for at least 30 days;
  2. It is important to briefly state what information is included in the next post.

How to get live subscribers for free?

If you want to legally increase your online audience, it’s worth doing some work on your profile. This page represents the most important touch with new subscribers. To make your profile as attractive as possible, you should follow these steps and follow special rules:

  • Using keywords in your login. This will allow you to find the account of the main target audience.
  • The profile photo should be bright, simple and clear. Unintelligible inscriptions and pictures are unacceptable.
  • Detailed and clear description of the content - emoticons, abstracts.
  • The presence of clickable links that can lead to personal websites or social networks.

If you need to make your audience as large and advanced as possible, you should pay attention to the points listed above.

Without cheating and on your own

To get a profile that is optimal in terms of functionality and has a large enough target audience to be able to solve the problem of how to get a lot of followers on Instagram for free, it is worth using effective tools like live videos and well-known stories.

As practice has shown, posting up to 30 stories per day will allow you to quickly bring the required number of users into your account. What is this effectiveness based on? Here are a couple of main factors:

  1. This is the optimal opportunity to display funny photos, videos and not go beyond the chosen topic.
  2. Stories, as optimal quality content, is located at the very top of the page. They start seeing it as soon as they log into the application.
  3. If you don’t put a lot at once, but two or three things, the user will be at the very top of the list.

It is necessary to add emoticons, all kinds of built-in inscriptions, and interesting stickers to the displayed content. It is allowed to publish as a recently taken photo and taken within the last 24 hours.

Such regularity should apply to photographs and stories, short videos and live broadcasts. This is an ideal opportunity to get the required number of people, both for an ordinary developing blogger and an entrepreneur.

To ensure that the content you post gets responses, it’s worth setting a special time for posting content online. It is important to publish a special announcement post in advance. This results in a unique target audience and, accordingly, rapid development of your account and business. This is the ideal solution to the problem of how to quickly and freely gain followers on Instagram.

By hashtags

If you want to achieve a similar goal without paying anything at all and with minimal time expenditure, you should put at least 30 hashtags in your post. It is worth understanding that according to them, numerous users have the necessary profiles and accounts in this huge social network. Key phrases that can be used as such search words are:

  1. Hobbies and interests of the target audience;
  2. Places and events where it is located.

When compiling and applying them, two important rules must be observed. First of all, they should be placed not in the body of the post itself, but in the comment. To attract people, you are allowed to use popular words, but come up with your own hashtags.

An important requirement and rule is geolocation. This will allow you to find the right clients; you can’t do without a location if you have a special travel blog online.

How to get your first 1000 followers on Instagram?

To get this minimum number of people in the subscription column, that is, the first 1000 people, you should accustom yourself to a certain order and consistency. It is important to publish posts daily in an amount of at least 1-2 posts. There are several main popular topics for posted posts that allow you to decide how to gain live followers on Instagram without cheating yourself:

  • Ask a question and thereby encourage people to actively communicate through comments;
  • Telling a personal or someone else's story, ending with a useful conclusion;
  • Providing useful advice that is guaranteed to make a person’s life easier;
  • For many, simply showing how the day goes is enough to attract fans.

It is advisable to publish information posts every day and strictly at the same time. This is an ideal opportunity to constantly keep your audience active and gain the optimal number of subscribers.

Through the program

You can carry out this process on your own or use special free applications. There are programs, the use of which will allow you to publish up to 100 thematic posts per day.

The main convenience of such programs is the ability for the page owner to completely relax and not have to track the time of content posting. All you need to do is prepare several thematic posts in advance, set the time for posting them, and you can be sure that at the set time the posts will be posted and delight those who are constantly waiting for them.

How to get active subscribers?

In order to gain active subscribers, thereby solving the question of how to gain live followers on Instagram, you should closely study the audience. This will provide an average number of 20 to 40 people. You need to set aside a certain amount of time per day to study new readers. You need to follow hashtags for those who belong exclusively to the main target audience.

This way you can motivate people to respond to publications as actively as possible. If you supplement this process by adding the correct hashtags on Instagram, you can get up to 50 readers per day and even more. You need to follow these rules:

  1. If you need to get active readers, you should start communicating with them as much as possible on their accounts.
  2. You need to show interest, read and study the posts, and write appropriate comments.
  3. In this case, you should build a real dialogue, you should avoid stock phrases.

You should write as detailed comments as possible, ask numerous questions, and try to start a discussion in every possible way. This is an ideal opportunity to attract attention to your profile and get your first 1000 readers.

When there are relatively many visitors, you can begin to act by attracting advertising without tasks. This is one of the simplest and at the same time real ways to reach readers.

When choosing this option for your own promotion, you need to correctly identify your audience, write a catchy text and thereby attract subscribers who will give a lot of likes. Now the advertising promotion method is just beginning to develop, so you should not miss this opportunity to appear to your target audience.

No tasks

To get subscribers at your disposal without wasting time on completing any tasks, you can use simpler options. The ideal solution to the question of how to gain followers on Instagram live for free using hashtags would be to use special catchy photos.

This social network should contain not just a photograph, but a high-quality, thoughtful image. It is advisable to try to make it stand out from the huge number of other publications. The photos should be such that people want to click on the photo and read the post, and then go to the page and subscribe to the account. It is advisable not to use photos that have long become familiar.

It is important to work not only with photos, but to know the general interests of the audience. It is advisable to spend some time and find online those bloggers who are already subscribed to by existing readers. It is important to start having discussions and communication with them in the comments. If you periodically stand out from the mainstream in different ways, you will be able to independently increase the total number of interested people.

Summing up

To get maximum results from using a social network, you should regularly increase the activity of those readers on Instagram that you already have at your disposal. It is necessary to comment on posts from your target active audience as often as possible, as well as from popular bloggers in 2020. If you follow these recommendations and publish posts, videos and stories, you can get active readers without cheating.
