How to open a SIG file on your computer. Instructions for signing files with an electronic signature Electronic signature sig where to get

How to open a SIG file on your computer. Instructions for signing files with an electronic signature Electronic signature sig where to get

Today, files in the .sig format are increasingly common. Let's take a closer look at the programs that will help us open it and work with it.

Option one

A sig file is a file containing an electronic digital signature. This can accompany text and other documents separately. This confirms authenticity. The .sig extension is usually automatically attached to the end of an email. There may be the sender's email address and name. In work letters, such a file also contains the position and contact information. Many programs support digital signatures; they can be added when creating a letter.

Here is a list of applications to open the sig file.

Microsoft Outlook;

Microsoft Outlook Express;



As you can see, some are pre-installed with the operating system, while others can be downloaded for free. In any case, the question of how to open a sig file on a computer has found its answer.

Option two

But besides this transcript, there is another one - this could be an image of the development company “Broderbund”. Own raster format. Then you will have to open it using “native” applications: Broderbund The Print Shop and Broderbund PrintMaster.

According to Law 218-FZ “On State Registration of Real Estate”, electronic XML documents and scanned images of documents must be signed enhanced qualified electronic signature. All programs of the “Polygon” series, “Polygon Pro” and the “Signature Pro” program are signed with just such a signature.

For signature:

    Get signature key(certificate) in Certification center. The list of accredited certification centers is published on the Rosreestr website (List of Certification Centers). You can get a certificate in our Certification center LLC "Program Center"

    Along with the signature, purchase and install the program on your computer CryptoPro CSP(it contains the required Russian signature standards), which can also be purchased from our Certification center LLC "Program Center"

Note: other signing programs not required: CryptoARM (CryptoARM’s signature capabilities are similar to those of the programs in the “ Polygon», « Polygon Pro" and programs " Signature Pro»).

Note: if you received the signature key from the Certification Center before the release of Law 63-FZ “On Electronic Signatures” (before July 1, 2013), then such a key is valid until January 1, 2014. It needs to be replaced with a new one for use in 2017. This is due to the fact that according to the new law, the signature must contain the SNILS (Russian Pension Fund) certificate number.

Software modules of the Polygon Pro platform

Sign an electronic document in the software modules of the Polygon Pro platform

To sign an XML file do the following:

Note: If errors are detected, a protocol for checking the electronic document with warnings and/or errors will be displayed below the XML file structure. It is recommended to correct errors and also pay attention to warnings.

Similarly, you can sign an XML file directly from the “ ViewXML", to do this, click on the button in the toolbar - « SignXML-file» .

  • After clicking, a window will open with a list of installed certificates. Select the one you want and click « OK» .

  • Next, the program will sign the main document and display a success message.

Note: in the same folder as the signed file, a signature file will be generated with the same name, with the extension * . sig.

Sign a group of files in the software modules of the Polygon Pro platform

The program has the ability to sign a group of files at the same time; to do this, do the following:

Note: If the list contains files that do not need to be signed, then uncheck them to exclude them from the signing procedure.

  • Click on the button « Sign» , after which a window will open with a list of installed certificates. Select the one you want and click « OK» .

  • Next, the program will sign all documents and display a message about signing.

Note: If errors occur during signing, a verification log will be displayed with warnings and/or errors. For correct signing, errors must be corrected.

Sign the file in the software modules of the Polygon Pro platform

The program has the ability to sign any existing file, for example, attached files to a project (scanned documents or image files), including an electronic document (XML file) that can be signed in the same way.

  • home" in the submenu of the button " Sign all» click on the button - « Sign…", after which a file selection window will open.

  • In the window that opens, select the file that you want to sign and click the " Open».

    A window will open with a list of installed certificates. Select the one you want and click " OK».

  • Next, the program will sign the selected document and display a message about readiness.

Note: in the same folder as the signed file, a signature file will be generated with the same name, with the extension * . sig.

Check the electronic signature in the software modules of the Polygon Pro platform

If you received a signed file from the outside and would like to check whether the received file has been modified after it was signed, or simply check whether the file signature was generated correctly, run:

    On the ribbon of the software module in the tab " home" in the submenu of the button " Sign all» click on the button « Check…».

    Select the file containing the signature (with the extension *. sig), which needs to be verified, or, if necessary, a signed file. If these two files are in different folders, the program will display a warning window where you need to click on the “ Repeat" and select the source file.

  • You will be given a protocol window with information whether the document was signed correctly, by whom and when, or information about the discrepancy with the source file, or if other errors occurred, a message about this will appear.

Program "Signature Pro"

For convenient interaction with Certification centerLLC "Program Center", management of digital certificates and private keys of electronic signatures, as well as for signing various files with an electronic signature, the SignaturePro program was developed.

Instructions for signing files if you are not using programs from the Polygon, Polygon Pro or Signature Pro series.

How to sign a file with an electronic digital signature?

These instructions are exemplary; specific steps may depend on the software installed on your computer. Part of the instructions were completed in February 2012, but our programs provide a more convenient option for signing electronic document files enhanced qualified electronic signature.

To sign electronic document files: boundary plan, map plan, technical plan With an electronic signature, you must verify the presence of installed programs:

    cryptoprovider "CryptoPro CSP";

    "Crypto ARM" - this program is necessary only when you do not use programs from the “Polygon” series, this program in terms of signing is identical to the programs from the “Polygon” series, so it is not needed; to sign files with programs of the "Polygon" series, see the previous page of the instructions; You can sign using both the “Polygon” series programs and the CryptoARM program, if you think that this will be more convenient than using the existing capabilities of the “Polygon” series programs;

Each file (XML, scan of a printed document and application files) must be signed, since the cadastral registration authority only accepts pairs of files: the original file and the signature file for it. In order to sign a file, you need to select it in the Explorer window and right-click (RMB), a context menu will appear, in it you should select “CryptoARM”, and then “ Sign…».

Then make sure the file name is correct

Important! set the switch to position " DER encoding", specify the folder for the output files at your discretion. Press the button " Further" In the next window, assign signature parameters

In this window, the most important thing is to tick the “ Save signature in a separate file" Click the button Further" In the next window, click the button Choose»

a certificate selection window will open

in it, select the certificate of your key (look by the owner’s name). After selecting, click the button OK" And " Further" In the last window before signing the document, click the " Ready».

Important! For each file, it is necessary to create a signature file, since only a pair is accepted: the original file (xml or other) + a signature for it (sig file).

Many people use useful information online on the Rosreestr website and receive information from the cadastre. But as of July 1, 2013, this information was no longer provided in pdf format. In connection with changes in the country's legislation, a new version of the automated information system of the state real estate cadastre was launched. And in this system there is no possibility of attaching documents in pdf format.

At the moment, documents from the cadastre are submitted in the *xml extension. sig, which are signed electronically by the cadastral registration employee. Such files cannot be opened by ordinary computer programs; certain special programs are required.

What is sig format?

A document with the SIG extension contains electronic digital signature, often used when transmitting documents via online mail. Documents with such extensions are widely used by computer consumers around the globe.

Typically, a SIG document is a small text document that is attached by the sender to the end of an email. The content of the letter is determined only on an individual basis.

The file with the sig extension includes the name of the sender and the name of the email. In addition, you can add other necessary information, such as the name of the organization, telephone numbers, position of the sender and other important information for making contacts.

Most modern computer programs for sending email can create and read an electronic signature. When an email is created, a file with the SIG extension is attached to it.

How to open a SIG on the Rosreestr website

Directly each user, by going to the Rosreestr website, can get acquainted with a special service for opening files in the format *xml And *xml. sig in a readable form familiar to the user. This service is called “Electronic Document Verification”.

The required file is loaded into the service window that opens and the “open in human-readable format” button is pressed.

On the Rosreestr website you can find detailed instructions to help you open files with the extension *xml And *xml.sig.

In order to check document directly, using the Rosreestr website, it is advisable to use the following widely used Internet browsers:

  1. Internet Explorer version 9 or 10, which has compatibility registers (you can also use the service in the eleventh version). You must use the -Include all content option. In this case, at the moment of opening the file, a panel with a button will appear at the very bottom of the window, or you can use the settings to activate the Rosreestr website in order to view it in compatibility mode.
  2. Mozilla Firefox using the setting - disable protection on the page. The designation is formed in the form of a shield located in the left corner of the window of the file being opened; more extensive information can be studied online on the websites;
  3. Google Chrome (Google Chrome). When setting up - loading an unsafe script, an emblem in the form of a shield pops up in the upper part of the right corner of the window when opening the file. For more detailed information, you can go online to the website;
  4. Safari, used when the auxiliary view security settings are not used;
  5. Opera without the presence of auxiliary options that are responsible for security. In addition, it is possible to see information (except for graphic diagrams) when this XML file is opened.

How to open SIG on a computer

Users need to know which computer program can open files with the sig extension. More often to open these documents use the following programs:

  1. Notebook;
  2. Microsoft Outlook;
  3. Mozilla Thunderbird;
  4. Atom.

The easiest way to open it is to use familiar Windows tools without having to download additional programs.

To open a file in Notepad, you need to click directly on the file using the right mouse button, then “open with” will pop up and a list of suggested programs will appear, from the list you should select notepad and click “open”.

In order to edit electronic signature and send a message with a changed signature, it is recommended to use Microsoft Outlook. But unlike notepad, this program is paid and requires registration.

The Atom program is similar to Notepad, but it is supplemented with syntax highlighting.

Now users are familiar with how to open a sig file on a computer, using which programs.

A SIG file (Signature File) is a small text file type that can be automatically attached to the end of email messages. Quite often, the SIG format may contain the names of the senders as well as the email addresses of various users. This file extension will contain the electronic digital signature of its owner and can store the sender's contact information, name and telephone contacts. Among the active users of this file format, there are those who like to add all kinds of quotes and so on to the signed file.

The .sig file is quite often used in the field of email. To open a file that has the SIG extension, use software packages such as Microsoft Outlook and QUALCOMM Eudora. Such utilities are capable of not only opening a SIG file, but also editing it, as well as generating a .sig extension. The presence of appropriate software contributes to subsequent comfortable work with the electronic mailbox and makes it possible to open SIG files. It is worth noting that the Eudora application is optimized to work with both Windows and Mac OS.

Often, short welcome messages are placed in the contents of SIG files. In the modern world of the World Wide Web, the owner’s electronic signature is an indicator of his status and credibility, so the .sig extension has quite extensive application indicators.

In order to open a .sig file, you must adhere to the usual scheme for launching files on your computer; the main thing is to have a correctly configured program that can open and edit a SIG file.

There are many file formats, not just txt or something similar. So, the most basic users do not know the extensions bin, sig and many others. But the time comes when you need to open and read a document of a previously unknown format. Now we will look at the sig format.

Signature File (abbreviated SIG) is a file that has a small amount of text. Its unique feature is that it automatically attaches to the end of emails. This file is needed for those who often send information by email, so as not to enter their contacts or other useful information at the end each time. Most often it is used by legal entities or others.

Of course, you can put any information you want to communicate to your recipients in this file. Nowadays, this type of file is very popular, since an electronic signature is nothing more than an indicator of your politeness and respectability.

To edit information for an electronic signature, you must open this document and make the appropriate changes.

Open the document

First you need to try to open the file by double-clicking, perhaps the system itself will find the necessary program to open, if this does not happen, then we will consider the 3 most basic and not very complicated options.

Let's use Notepad

On a note! You can simply right-click on the document and go to “Open with” and then find . The result will be the same.

Open through applications

So, there are several programs that allow you to open (and edit) this format:

  1. Microsoft Outlook (there is also Express) - this program should have been installed along with office applications if you installed the full package. If this is not found, then you can download and install it separately.
  2. Crypto Pro is an auxiliary program that can similarly be downloaded on the Internet.
  3. QUALCOMM Eudora is a program used for Mac OS.

Important! It is best to use Outlook for editing, but it requires registration, unlike Notepad.

To use any of these programs:

We use Internet resources

To open, you can use the Rosreestr website. But you won’t be able to edit the document, you can only read it.

  1. Follow the link, scroll to the end and see “Electronic services and facilities” at the bottom.

  2. Now open “Services” in the menu on the right.

  3. And go to the “Checking an electronic document” section.

  4. In the window that opens there are two buttons for downloading the file (they are for different formats), we need the second one. Click and select the required file on your computer.

  5. Next, click “Check”.

  6. As soon as the page has been refreshed, next to “Electronic document” you will be able to see a blue button “Show in human-readable format”. You must click to open the file.

  7. After these steps, a window will open in which you can read your document.

Important! should work fine for this option.

Possible problems

  1. The user cannot open the file - this happens quite often, your system simply configured the wrong program to open it. To fix this problem, you need to right-click on the file and in the “Open with” section, select the desired program and check the “Remember” box. After this, your system will immediately apply this method.
  2. File corruption – You will also not be able to open the document if it is damaged. If you find yourself in this situation, you need to try to find the same file, but on another site (if you downloaded it from the web). It could also have been damaged during mailing, then ask for it to be sent again.

Video - What is a file extension and how to open any file
