How to remove a friend from subscribers. How to delete subscribers in a contact without blacklisting. How to delete subscribers on VK in the mobile version

How to remove a friend from subscribers. How to delete subscribers in a contact without blacklisting. How to delete subscribers on VK in the mobile version

Deleting subscribers to a personal page or your community is a simple function that will not take much time. Let's first consider the basic method offered by the VK interface itself.

You can see the current number of subscribers on the main profile page (in the web version for PC it is located at the top of the feed of recent photos).

When you click, a pop-up window opens a complete list of people subscribed to you. They see your updates in their news feed. If you don’t want this or there are too many “dogs” (deleted pages) among your subscribers, you can easily block each individual user by clicking on the cross at the top right of the avatar.

After this, the user is permanently blacklisted and can no longer view updates to your page, write messages or make any contact with you. To remove it from there, go to the “black list” section in the page settings and click “remove from list”. In this case, the selected person will not automatically become your subscriber, but will turn into a simple user with the appropriate access rights to the profile.

If you need to unsubscribe from someone yourself, go to the “friends - requests - outgoing” section and click on the “unsubscribe” button

These are simple actions within the standard VK interface. Implement them to remove a person from subscribers or get rid of pages blocked by the system. However, if there are too many “dogs” (this also applies to groups, official pages and public pages), this method will take a long time, because you will have to block one profile manually. But what if there are thousands of participants in the group, including hundreds of deleted pages - “dogs”? After all, this visually spoils the statistics in the eyes of visitors. Then you should resort to using extensions.

Alternative ways to remove subscribers

There are various applications and browser extensions that automatically remove subscribers. Among these we can highlight.

It allows you to delete all the people who follow you at once, which would take a lot of time manually. They are available for free in official browser stores and are easy to download.

Let's look at an example of installing the Vkopt extension for Google Chrome.

  1. Go to the Google Extension Store.

  2. Inside it, in the search, type the name VKopt and the official extension should appear first in the list.
  3. Click on the blue install button and it will integrate into the Chrome browser. In the settings you can enable or disable the application.
  4. After correct installation, a new button with the name of the extension will appear in the top menu bar of the browser.
  5. When you click on it, the management page and the system user forum will open, where you can view news and discuss the latest updates. Some elements are built into the interface of the VKontakte web version. The main functions are opened by left-clicking on the avatar icon in the upper right corner of the window and selecting the VKopt menu.

After installation, in your “friends lists” section, the “blocked” item should appear. All the dogs will go there and you can quickly remove them manually.

Sometimes the additional partition does not appear or the extension simply does not help complete the bulk cleanup task. Then there are even more radical software methods. One of these is VkCleanAcc - software for removing VK friends according to criteria.

After installation, it will automatically collect the necessary data (every deleted, blocked friend will be found) and mass delete all those who meet the specified criteria. Everything is done quickly and conveniently. However, remember, by installing third-party software that requires you to enter your VK login and password, you are exposed to a certain danger. But VkCleanAcc is a proven utility and judging by the reviews, there were no negative consequences of its use.

Hi all! This article will discuss how to remove VKontakte subscribers without blacklisting. VKontakte is a social network in which people share some information.

Why might you need to clean your VKontakte page?

Clearing a page of subscribers has no practical advantages. They do not systematically affect the page in any way. This is only an indicator of its popularity, since the more subscribers there are, the more potential friends and people who are interested in the news on this page.

However, there are situations when it is still worth doing this. For example, when someone, and so that you are not accused of cheating, it is better to delete subscribers. Or for artificial lowering. If there are few subscribers, the page will appear at the very bottom in searches.

It is important to know that page subscribers are different from group subscribers. It is very important for each group to have an active audience.

If there are a lot of “dead” people in the public, then it will be promoted less by the network and advertising on it will cost less. Such requirements are not presented to the page in any way, because there is no .

Why do you need a list of subscribers?

First of all, the list of subscribers shows the popularity of the VKontakte page. The more subscribers and friends, the more people will know about a new post on the wall of this account. Subscribers themselves do not play any role. They will only be shown your posts in their feed.

The “Add Friend” and “Subscribe” buttons send the user to the subscriber list. Anyone whom the user subscribes to will later be able to accept him as a friend or keep him as a subscriber. Each VKontakte page is like a group, only dedicated to a specific person. You can subscribe to it, view information, and so on.

You can simply stop doing this closing your profile through settings privacy. However, subscribers will still gather, since the “Add as friends” button will remain.

VKontakte makes it possible to subscribe to any page on. This is due to the fact that this is a public network and everyone has the right to follow another person through a subscription. Subscribing gives you the right to see this person's news in your feed; there will be no more changes.

The subscriber has the same powers as other strangers on VKontakte. If you close your profile, your followers won't be able to view it.

How to delete your VKontakte subscribers?

Any person on the network can become your subscriber. Because of this, many people don’t want anyone to follow them. You can delete a subscriber; there is one method for this - adding to the blacklist.

But it is not suitable for many due to the fact that this person will then not be able to access the page, write messages or in any way interact with the person who is on the blacklist. There are a couple of tricks with which you can delete VKontakte subscribers and leave them the right to interact with you.

Remove subscribers, without blacklisting, you can only with the desire of all subscribers to voluntarily unsubscribe from you. This is not of much use, since many simply will not respond and will prefer to remain a subscriber.

Also, blocked subscribers will never be able to unfollow you voluntarily. The only way to get rid of such people is to blacklist them. But there is one trick that makes it possible to delete subscribers and leave the black list completely empty. More about this method below.

How to remove subscribers from your phone (computer)

The only true and normally working method of deleting subscribers is to blacklist them. This way you can get rid of all subscribers at once, or only certain ones if necessary.

It is accessible both from a phone and a computer. A person who has been removed from subscribers in this way will not even know about what he has done. Only after entering can he find out if he visits your page or tries to write you a message. However, we will remove it from the blacklist later. Here are brief instructions for adding to the emergency situation (black list) via phone or computer:

  • Open tab " My page»;
  • Under the description, select " Subscribers»;
  • In the list of people that appears, click on the cross above them. The cross appears only if you hover the mouse over the avatar.;
  • Remove all unnecessary people this way.

After this operation, the selected accounts will no longer be subscribers to the page. But all of them are on the black list at this stage. You can remove them from there even now, but in this case the number of subscribers will return. There is a life hack to prevent this.

For the phone the instructions are as follows:

  • Go to your profile and click on the number of subscribers from the list of information;
  • Open the page from the list of subscribers to delete;
  • Open the menu using the button with three buttons at the top right;
  • Select " Block».

How to remove subscribers without leaving them on the blacklist

To get rid of subscribers and have a clean blacklist, you need to add them to the blacklist, but then remove them from there. But to do this, having blocked a user, you should not immediately remove him from the emergency situation.

The system will perceive the addition to the blacklist as false and return the person to the list of subscribers. To prevent it from returning there again, you need to remove it from the black list at least 10 minutes after adding it. In this case, you can easily clean up your subscribers by adding them to the blacklist for just ten minutes.

To remove accounts from the blacklist, you must do the following:

  • Click on your own avatar and name on the right side of the site header;
  • In the dialog box that appears, click on “ Settings»;

On the smartphone has a black list in the settings, which open by clicking on the gear in the top right. This is located in the “Menu” tab on the main page of the official application.

How to delete VKontakte subscribers without a blacklist

There are currently no other effective methods for removing subscribers. In any case, completely deleting subscribers is almost impossible for a number of reasons.

And the first of them– someone can subscribe to you at any time. It could be a person or a spam bot. You will have to regularly unsubscribe them from yourself, no matter how strange it may sound.

Here are a couple of tips that can help you get rid of subscribers:

  • Write to them in private messages asking them to unsubscribe;
  • Write a post message on the page asking to unsubscribe from your account;
  • Make the page as closed and unknown as possible. But it’s better to leave private messages open, as many will add you as friends just to write something in messages.

That's all I have for today. How do you remove annoying subscribers from your VKontakte account? Tell me your methods in the comments. I would also like to remind you that you can learn about new posts on my blog, just by subscribing to updates. See you on the pages of my blog.

A VK subscriber is a social network member who will have updates to your page appear in their news feed. Everything would be fine, but if you want to protect your news feed from his eyes, then the idea comes to remove the subscriber from VKontakte. There are two ways to remove a subscriber from VK.

With the first method, you need to go to your page, open “My subscribers” under the avatar. We are looking for the desired user, hover the mouse cursor over his photo, a cross will appear, click on it. The “Add to Emergency” window will appear, click “Continue”. That’s it, the participant ceases to be your subscriber, but at the same time, being included in the Black List, he is prevented from visiting your page.

If you do not want to completely isolate this user from your person, you can do the following. After half an hour, after you have removed the user from your subscribers, go to the “Black List” tab and remove him from it, now he will be able to visit your page. But it won’t be able to monitor your feed. If a user is blocked on VKontakte for some time, then you will not be able to remove him from subscribers using the first method. You need to go to the “Black List” tab, it is located in “My Settings”, located in the left menu of the VK network. We find him by name or add a link to his page in the VK search engine and click “Add to blacklist.”

If there are a lot of subscribers that you want to delete, you will have to work hard and save up time.

Hello, and today we will talk about how to delete VKontakte subscribers. This feature is not to everyone’s taste, since now, when you remove a person from your friends or refuse his friend request, you will continue to see the unwanted person as before, only in your subscribers.

This is often annoying, because not everyone wants their news to appear in someone else’s feed, especially a stranger’s. Subscribers are good mainly for those who crave popularity. What if he’s not thirsty at all?

In addition, various spammers, advertisers, “just-to-add” bots get into your subscribers, and people you don’t want to see remain there - just unpleasant personalities or “ex-lovers”. Therefore, many people want to know how to delete VKontakte subscribers at once. Unfortunately, the social network does not have an official method, but all is not lost - there are “workarounds” below.

If there are only a few subscribers and they are all “live” (not spammer bots), you can ask them to unfollow you through a message on your wall or even a private message. If there are a lot of them, or their DMs are closed, or the pages of your subscribers are frozen, the problem cannot be solved this way. In addition, your message on the wall is not at all a guarantee that they will see it.

But the next option is much more radical and will work for sure.

welcome to Black List

When you try to remove a VK user from subscribers, the social network’s functionality only offers to add him to .

How this is done, step by step:

● open “My subscribers”;
● hover the cursor over the subscriber’s avatar, click on the cross in the upper right corner and thereby block it;
● confirm sending the user in an emergency;

● long and tedious doing the same with other subscribers until everyone ends up in a ban.

Now be patient. In an hour, or better yet in a day, it will be possible to remove all these people from the blacklist, but not earlier, otherwise they will again end up as subscribers. You can, of course, not remove them at all - a matter of taste.

Another radical method is to go to the subscriber’s page and far below under his avatar click “Block Username”. Suitable only in cases where there are few subscribers or this one is especially annoying in some way.

You can also add it to the blacklist manually by copying the address of the VK user’s page there and clicking “Add.”

“Leave me alone, everyone,” or how to protect the page from prying eyes

There is also a third option - do not delete subscribers, but do not leave them almost any information. This opportunity is provided by the “Privacy” tab (the “Settings” menu). In it you can configure your page so that most of the information is available only to friends.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely hide the information on the page; other users will at least see something. For example, it is impossible to hide posts on the wall, the list of subscriptions (publics), etc.

The only way to completely hide a profile from another person is to add him to the “ban”. Then all he will see from the information on your page is that he cannot view it. Otherwise, users will be left with something to be torn to pieces. Plus, the subscribers who were there before will also not go anywhere.

Any fairly active VKontakte user faces the problem of an excessively large number of subscribers on the page. In this case, if a person is not chasing the popularity of his profile, there may be a need to completely or partially clear this list.

The administration of the social networking site VKontakte does not provide its users with the opportunity to delete subscribers by pressing a couple of buttons. To clear this list, you will need to perform a series of actions, which boil down to blocking the page of the person being removed from the subscribers.

Ways to delete followers of a social page. There are very few networks, and those that exist are certainly associated with user blocking. This, in turn, can cause difficulties for you if the person you want to remove from subscribers continues to independently visit your profile and conducts quite active correspondence with you.

If the reason for deleting subscribers in your case is related to the presence of people with reduced activity in the list, then the variety of options for you is greatly reduced. Under such conditions, you can safely skip the first two methods and go straight to the last one.

Method 1: Request to unsubscribe

This technique applies only to isolated cases of deleting subscribers and works exclusively with respectable users. At the same time, you do not need to block a person or otherwise restrict access to your own personal profile.

The person being unfollowed should ideally have the messaging option open.

The method takes into account the use of social media. VKontakte network from a computer, through a standard browser.

As you can see, this technique is completely unsuitable for multiple removals. In addition, it is not very often that there are enough honest people who can go to your page and press just one single button.

Method 2: hiding information

Quite often, deleting subscribers from VKontakte is associated with a reluctance to share published information with some users. Under such circumstances, the best way to get rid of unwanted subscribers is to improve your account privacy settings.

Despite the settings, absolutely any user will be able to visit your page and view the entries left. In addition, some other profile information that cannot be hidden will also be viewable.

Under these settings, subscribers will not be able to track your activity or leave their mark on the page.

After completing the above steps, all your subscribers will not be able to access the main features of the VKontakte social network. In particular, this could be functionality for writing personal messages or the ability to comment on posts.

Please note that third party users who are not subscribers will also lose access to information.

Method 3: Block users

This method of deleting subscribers is the simplest, but, to put it mildly, quite radical, since you will simply need to block this or that user. At the same time, the method allows you to perform a massive cleaning of the list of subscribers, however, still in manual mode.

A blocked person can be returned from the blacklist without returning to the subscribers section.

You should be careful when using this method. This is due to the fact that after blocking for some time (until manual deletion), the user loses the ability to view your profile and write personal messages.

Please note that, as is customary on VKontakte, the user will not be able to remove the block without your desire.

If you want a blacklisted person to remain able to visit your personal profile, you need to remove him from there. However, it is extremely important to take into account that at least 20 minutes must pass from adding a user to the emergency situation (1 hour is recommended).

Having completed all the prescribed actions, you can personally verify the relevance of this method by returning to your page and comparing the early number of subscribers with the present one. Also remember that now the deleted person can apply as a friend again and, if you refuse to add him, he will end up as a subscriber.

The third method of deleting subscribers is the most promising. This is due to the fact that it is often necessary to remove inactive or deleted users from subscribers, communication with which is usually limited.
