How to block a VKontakte subscriber. How to delete VKontakte subscribers - detailed instructions. Who are all these people and should they be removed from VK

How to block a VKontakte subscriber. How to delete VKontakte subscribers - detailed instructions. Who are all these people and should they be removed from VK

The social network Vkontakte is popular among young people. The site administration strives to improve the interface of the social network and make it close to perfection. A social network user cannot refuse friendship to a person or commercial accounts that want to add you as a friend.

It must either be added or left signed. In the second case, he will receive information about all the news (uploaded photos, audio recordings and videos, posts published on the wall, added friends, etc.), and will also be able to leave comments under.

They appear when you unfriend. The deleted item is automatically moved to this section.

Not everyone likes the capabilities of VKontakte, for example, if your ex-boyfriend’s new crush, a colleague who loves to gossip, or the hundredth online store with intrusive offers has subscribed to your updates. From this article you can find out ToHow to delete subscribers in a contact without blacklisting them.

You can view those who have subscribed to updates in the item of the same name on the main page. The more people follow, the more popular your account is. That is, those who have more subscribers are immediately listed in the search, and those who have few or no subscribers are listed below.

Some people strive to become more popular, so they use services to attract new users.

By subscribing, you can access general information and view the news feed - go to the page you subscribed to, read the wall, look at photos, etc. Such opportunities are more suitable for celebrities, not for the general public. Anyone can see who has subscribed to them.

Ways to delete subscribers in a contact without blacklisting them

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

  • A not very effective and time-consuming method is to write a personal message asking them to unsubscribe from your page. This does not guarantee results, but its advantage is the social side. Among the disadvantages, the following can be noted - due to privacy settings, an undesirable person’s access to writing personal messages may be closed or this person’s profile may be deleted.
  • An even less effective option is to post a message asking everyone to unfollow on your wall. The message can describe the reasons why you want subscribers to leave. But it is not a fact that everyone will see this recording, and if they do, few will satisfy this request.
  • The most effective method, which does not involve the use of a blacklist, is to set the most stringent privacy settings in your account settings. This will prevent unwanted individuals from entering your profile, and will also limit free access to personal data. The disadvantage is that the list of signatories will not become smaller.

Only their creators can remove unwanted individuals from a public page or group. To do this, they should go to the “Page Management” menu and select “Participants”. In the menu that opens, select the desired character and click “Remove from community.”

Banning is a more effective and faster option. With its help, clearing the list of subscribed people is simple - find the unpleasant person in the desired item and click on the cross next to it.

Thus, an unnecessary person ends up in the blocked ones. If you remove it from there after two days, it will not be linked to your account in any way.

This article is intended primarily for those users whose accounts were hacked against their will and used to gain friends and subscribers, or users who themselves gained subscribers and now regret it. The article talks about how to free your page from many prying eyes.


Many people don't want strangers to see their posts or photos in their news feed. But subscribers see absolutely all the news from the users they follow. Therefore, if you are one of those who do not like their subscribers, who appeared either naturally or through cheating, then luck is on your side, because there is a way to delete them.

This method does not contain any supernatural or prohibited methods. It is not known whether this was originally intended, but you can delete all your subscribers using the standard tools of the VKontakte social network.

I already wrote once about how to remove a person from friends without him knowing about it. The exact same method was used there. But that article was about friends, and this one is about subscribers.

How it works

The scheme works incredibly simply. Surely many people know that the social network VKontakte has a “Black List” into which you can add friends or strangers. When a person is added to this very black list, the person is removed from the list of your friends, and soon from the list of your subscribers.

So, in order to clear the list of your subscribers, that is, to unsubscribe these users from your page, you need to blacklist each of your subscribers, and not forever, but only for 10-15 minutes. After this time, all users can be safely removed from the blacklist without the risk that they will all automatically subscribe again.

If you have few subscribers, you can delete them manually. To do this, you need to open a window with a list of subscribers, point it at the user’s avatar and click on the cross that appears in the upper right corner, then repeat the procedure with each subscriber.

To remove a large number of subscribers, you should use the VKBot program to fully automate this routine process. To do this, download the program from this page, run it and follow these steps:

Naturally, if you are afraid that subscribers will notice the fact that they have “unsubscribed” from your page and will subscribe again on their own, then after they are blacklisted, you may not pull them out of there.

5 / 5 ( 8 votes)

But you don’t always want to see strange people among your subscribers. I often want to delete subscribers on VKontakte.

Some information about Vkontakte

Every second or third resident can confirm this, since there are probably no young people who have not registered here and do not post photos or videos from their personal lives.

Over time, when developments and innovations began to be implemented at a rapid pace, this resource began to be considered the most popular and relevant.

The method of online communication could not help but attract other current users, and this is a confirmation of its simplicity of the interface - ease of use.

The creator of the resource is Pavel Durov, who regularly updates the site and monitors its structure and content.

Due to his responsible approach, VKontakte has become the most famous social network among the majority of Internet communication lovers.

What do VKontakte subscribers mean and what are they for?

Using the VKontakte social network, it is not difficult to understand who the subscribers are and what role they play for each individual user.

To add subscribers on VKontakte or become one for a specific person, group or public resource, you need to go to the appropriate page and click on the “Add as a friend” button there.

Following this, you are automatically included in the list of subscribers and remain there until the moment you either refuse this, or the person transfers you to the list of their friends.

Changes to the page you follow will be visible in your news feed.

The most free subscribers on VKontakte are those users who upload files and post interesting facts (news, anecdotes, jokes). They may be representatives of specific companies or entrepreneurs pursuing commerce with the desire to earn more money from it.

If the information is related to a specific brand or its products, then using these pages it is easier and more convenient to order the supply of quality raw materials or services.

Free accounts are still created, for example, to test personal abilities.

If the number of readers allows you to make the page a testing ground for business development, then postponing it is not advisable.

Ordinary people who love online communication and invite all their acquaintances with whom they subsequently correspond about work, hobbies or plans for the future can have a lot of subscribers.

Users are gaining subscribers on the VKontakte social network. But you won’t be able to grow your business this way.

Getting rid of subscribers from different accounts

Regular updates on VKontakte do not pass without a trace, as evidenced by the appearance of subscribers and the ability for everyone to view them.

One way to remove them is to blacklist a person’s page, for which you should open “My subscribers” and hover over the avatar of the desired person.

Then in the right corner there will be a cross that says “Block”. Click on it and confirm adding the page to the blacklist.

In the case where there are a lot of unwanted readers, this option will be labor-intensive, but definitely reliable and effective.

After waiting for some time, you need to go to the list of users from the blacklist and delete everyone one by one. You can slowly but surely clear VKontakte of all subscribers.

They will never come back!

Therefore, this method, although time-consuming, is proven.

Other methods:

  • Write a message and ask him to unsubscribe from your news.
  • Post a post on the wall with the same request.
  • Tighten privacy settings to close information and prevent it from being publicly visible.

Representatives of groups and publics whose creators want to remove some subscribers should find “Page Management” in the menu on the right side, then “Members”. Having selected the one you need, click “Remove from community”.

By adding visitors to a ban list, they are blacklisted and are no longer followers of a specific group. This is the most popular way to remove them.

Considering the features of VKontakte, we can say for sure that this social network is in demand and is one of the top five resources in the whole world, therefore information on how to remove a person from subscribers in VKontakte is popular. And this is the key to further progress!

To follow a person’s news on VKontakte, you no longer have to wait for him to approve his “Friends” application. You can subscribe to a user regardless of whether he wants it or not. But if for commercial profiles a large number of followers is good, then ordinary people do not always want strangers to follow them. This raises the question: how to delete VKontakte subscribers?

Why do you need subscribers at all?

After the appearance of such a group of users on the social network as subscribers, a real struggle began for them. Unlike friends, there is no limit on the number of them, and updates from their page do not clog the news feed. But the advantages of their large number are different:

  • The number of followers affects the ranking of a page in search results. The more there are, the higher it will be located in the search results.
  • Popular pages are attractive to advertisers. Many people make money from them thanks to subscriptions.
  • Promoted profiles end up in the “Interesting Pages” block, which further accelerates the growth of its popularity.

But if the VKontakte account is used purely for communication, all these advantages are not so important. But attention from unwanted acquaintances to your personal life can really become a problem.

How to remove subscribers

Speaking in terms, it cannot be specifically deleted. A person must unsubscribe on his own, that is, cancel his application to “Friends”. Otherwise, it can only be blocked. Blocking means adding a person to a “black” list, which deprives him of the ability to write to you in private messages, view news from the page, comment on posts, etc.

To add a person’s profile to an emergency on VKontakte, you need to:

  1. Log in to your account using your username and password via PC or mobile phone. In the user menu, select “My Page”.

  1. Next, you need to open the tab with subscribers by clicking on the corresponding button.

  1. Then you need to move the cursor over the person’s avatar so that a “cross” appears above it in the right corner.

  1. And click on the “Block” button.

  1. In the window that appears, click the “Continue” button.

After this, the profile will be added to the “black” list, which the account owner can independently manage. This means that no one will stay there forever. Of course, unless the account owner wishes to do so. Therefore, if you need to return the user from an emergency, this can be done at any time.

How to remove a person from an emergency

By placing a deleted user in an emergency, you can permanently sever all ties to your account. To do this you will need to remove it from there.

How to clear the list of blocked users:

  1. Go to your account settings.

  1. Next, in the settings menu, select “Black List”.

  1. There we find a person who needs to be removed. This can be done manually or using the built-in search.

  1. Click the “Remove from list” button.

After this, you can immediately check whether the user has been removed from the list of followers. To do this, it is enough to compare their initial quantity with the final one.

Removing subscribers via phone

But unlike full versions of websites, mobile applications have a different interface and navigation. Therefore, to remove a person from your subscribers, you should do the following:

  1. Go to your profile in the mobile application.

  1. Open the list of people who are subscribed to the account by clicking on the corresponding button.

  1. Next, you need to find the person you want to include in the emergency situation and go to his page.

  1. Each page has a menu. Now you need to open it by clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the screen.

  1. Here we find the already familiar “Block” button.

After blocking, the page, as in the full version of the site, falls into an emergency situation. But you won’t be able to get there using the previously described method. Therefore, in order to avoid pointlessly rushing around the application, you should follow the new instructions:

  1. Go to the main user menu and open settings in the upper right corner of the screen.

  1. In the settings you need to select the “Black List” item.

  1. By opening it, you can see the deleted account. It will be in first place because the entries are sorted by blocking date (from latest to oldest).

If in the future you need to remove a person from an emergency situation, all you have to do is go there and click the “cross” next to his profile. “Dogs”, that is, deleted user accounts, can be removed immediately so as not to interfere. But active profiles should be kept there longer. Otherwise, after unblocking, the user can freely subscribe to the page again, regardless of the wishes of its owner.

If you have any questions on the topic, we suggest watching the video:


In fact, followers on all social networks have a positive effect on a page’s ranking. But this is not as important as the confidentiality of personal information. Therefore, sometimes it is easier to hide them in the “black” list, and subsequently delete them altogether. Leave your feedback in the comments if the presented method helped you get rid of unwanted subscribers.

With the introduction of such a concept as “Subscribers”, the procedure for deleting VKontakte friends, as well as rejecting unnecessary friend requests, became very peculiar: now by clicking the “Remove from friends” button it is no longer possible to “cross out” the user from your “social life”. Instead of simply disappearing from the list, the deleted account is simply transferred to the “Subscribers” section. The same goes for friend requests. You cannot simply refuse to accept a request; you can only “keep it as a subscriber,” which is sometimes completely unnecessary. In connection with all this, the content of the “Subscribers” section is often a cemetery of “dead”, fake, advertising accounts mixed with real faces that you don’t even want to see. If you don’t like this kind of dump, then a reasonable question should arise: how to delete VKontakte subscribers? There is a way.

There is no way to delete subscribers by mass selection (in any quick way at all) - you will have to spend quite a lot of time deleting individual ones. But with results! The algorithm is as follows.

Click on the item with subscribers on your page:

A warning will appear that you must agree to:

That's it, this gentleman (madam) is on your personal “sanctions list”!

There is an alternative option for replenishing it. Go to page settings.

In the settings go to “Black List”

Click on the treasured “Add to blacklist” button. It will reflect all deleted friends and those who were immediately sent to subscribers.

All that remains is to “comb” the entire list of users by name for blocking unnecessary characters.

Select an account and click the “Block” button:

As a result of such routine operations, which can take dozens of minutes, you will end up with a “Black List” with voluminous content, while the page with “Subscribers” will be considerably shortened (which is, in fact, what we wanted).

Well, now, actually, the main point: how to permanently delete deleted VKontakte subscribers so that they don’t hang out on the “Black List”?

Everything is simple here: being directly in the “Black List”, for each of those present on it you need to click “Remove from the list”:

Miraculously, such a user will disappear from the “Black List” without appearing in the “Subscribers”. But! Yes, there is one thing. According to some interesting logic of how the social network works, the subscribers you want to delete from your VKontakte must “marinate” on the “Black List” for some time - approximately 30 - 40 minutes. If you add a user to the “Black List” and immediately click on “Remove from List”, then this account will again appear on the “Friend Requests” tab.

This method works - tested from personal experience! Feel free to use it if you want to “tidy up” your page.

Article How to delete VKontakte subscribers - getting rid of unnecessary things was modified: October 28, 2019 by Netobserver
