How to change the resolution when starting a game. How to change screen resolution in Windows or in games? Video: changing the resolution in games to the desired one

How to change the resolution when starting a game. How to change screen resolution in Windows or in games? Video: changing the resolution in games to the desired one

English game name: North and South: Pirates

Title in Russia: "Thugs: Corsairs of the 19th Century"

Genre: arcade/RPG

Developer: Akella

Publisher: "1C"

System requirements: CPU 1.5 GHz, 128 MB video, 512 MB RAM, 1.5 GB free space

Rating: 7

Far from being the skinniest category of games “about pirates”, today there are a dozen quite viable projects - from remakes of Sid Meier’s grandfather to all kinds of “Corsairs” mixed with “Tortugas”. Which is quite natural: if there is demand, there must be supply. Another thing is surprising - sea romance does not think of giving in to the onslaught of more “adult”, self-confident genres, from time to time throwing another game about virtual filibusters onto the shelves. And even if the “clothing” of the project has long been too tight, the content sometimes resembles aged dry wine. The taste is familiar, it’s almost not dizzying - but it’s still pleasant to sip.

The game takes place in the midst of a civil war between North and South. A touching introductory video tells how the lives of not only the “land” population, but also the various sea wanderers, changed overnight. Anyone who was an honest merchant joined the banner of the Jolly Roger, and former pirates signed up for the government fleet. The war changed a lot. We have to play as one of the random victims of the “time of change.” Abraham Gray is a man not only of words, but also of deeds. Being the owner of a purely masculine appearance, he is just trying to survive in this raging world. Sometimes he bargains, sometimes he trades in robbery or carries out the instructions of the powers that be. Whatever one may say, survival is a complex science, poorly compatible with the concepts of mercy or nobility.

“Thugs” at first acquaintance look like a natural guest from the past. They really haven't done that for a long time. In the chest of the project beats the dense engine of RenderWare, which has been releasing games for more than five years. The result of a shabby graphic “pedigree” is a faded picture, flaunting highly blurred textures and low-poly characters. There is no need to talk about the presence of any modern special effects - they were simply not delivered. On the other hand, the negative effect is smoothed out by a very good design and quite decent animation. In general, the picture looks cartoonish and sometimes even cute, which is why grumbling about the elderly picture subsides after half an hour of play. The game graphics cope with their main task - creating a cozy atmosphere of the 19th century, in which there was a place for bloody sea battles, vile island governors, and romantic trade craft.

The gameplay is unlikely to give any new sensations to people who have never missed a single “seaworthy” game. But he is quite capable of entertaining a less demanding audience.

The basis of survival in Cutthroats is constant movement. The harsh (at first) economic model does not allow one to relax, constantly forcing Gray to drift between port cities, check the list of prices for various raw materials and keep in mind a list of the most profitable items for sale. The rules are simple - the hold should never be empty, and the money should lie in your pocket like a dead weight. Each flight must be profitable, regardless of the task being performed.

The situation with tasks is simpler. As a rule, they can be obtained either from the city governor or from some NPC in the bar. As an option, you can work on delivering raw materials from one port warehouse to another, although you won’t earn much money from this. The list of main tasks is quite standard for the genre, although it sometimes tries to surprise with variety. Objectives range from the standard "sink a competitor's ship" to capturing special items or returning runaway slaves to their owner. Story (main) quests pay the best, but also involve the most risk.

Money earned through sweat and blood allows not only to fill the hold with first-class goods. Part of the funds is spent on Mr. Gray himself - buying a more powerful gun or a longer saber makes life much easier in moments of hand-to-hand combat. Weapons (both firearms and melee weapons), like in real action/RPGs, have damage characteristics and are attached to the corresponding slots of the character’s “doll”. As for the fights, they proceed quite dynamically: the hero chops enemies into cabbages, using, in addition to standard techniques, blocks and several special powerful blows. For those killed, experience is awarded, which (upon reaching a new level) can be distributed to improve one of three characteristics (defense, shooting, fencing) and choose a new perk. The perk system is very reminiscent of that from Fallout, except that it is more modest - there are active skills (activated by pressing a button) and passive ones (acting constantly).

The navigable part, in turn, is divided into two stages. The first is a journey through a global map, which is exactly similar to its paper counterpart, except that it is interactive. While exploring the archipelagos and bays, the player comes across numerous government and merchant ships, which, if desired, can be robbed immediately. You should approach this process with caution: the game honestly warns you about the equipment of the potential victim and does not recommend starting an exchange of cores if your vessel does not match the class of the enemy. But if you do get involved in battle, the game will jump to the next, local battle level. Here the player has the opportunity to widely maneuver: the ship receives three levels of movement speed and can be accelerated due to the installed steam engine. The latter has a habit of overheating, so it should be operated with an eye on the readings of the temperature sensor. A salvo of onboard guns occurs classically - when the ship turns sideways towards the enemy, at the moment of convergence to an effective distance. The main ammunition is infinite (unlike the strength of ships), however, stationary guns cause the least damage. If you have enough cash (and the design of the ship allows it), the nearest shipyard will happily offer the installation of powerful howitzers and other “nuclear” weapons. The only disadvantage of the latter (besides the acquisition costs) is the quickly running out (and expensive) shells. On the other hand, you can save money on repairing your own ship.

When the enemy ship is already pretty battered, you can try to get closer and board it. If successful, the game switches to hand-to-hand combat, and Gray is given the opportunity to personally cut up the enemy crew and demonstratively kill the captain. Captain's duels are a special battle mode in which the parties have indicators of vital energy and fatigue, and attacks take place in two planes - upper and lower. Accordingly, these attacks from above and below must be blocked. Quite an interesting solution that adds a lot of excitement to boarding operations. If the enemy captain wins, you can, with a clear conscience, empty the enemy’s holds, transfer the crew to a captured ship, or send it to the port, where it will go under the hammer during the game week.

Most of the game takes place in such simple-minded, at first glance, actions. The advantages of "Thugs" include the fact that, despite the simplicity and arcade nature of what is happening, the game is able to "hook". Several types of earnings, a large number of opponents and a variety of tasks simply will not let the player get bored. Although you shouldn’t count on constant dependence either - like any other middle-tier product, the game becomes boring over time.


The game for review was provided by pavilion No. 14 of the Chervensky market

In most games, it is impossible to change the resolution before launching it, which creates many problems for owners of non-standard screens. In this guide, I will tell you about all the ways to change the resolution in the game without going into the game.

If you have an NVidia video card

If you have an NVidia video card of any model, then install the Nvidia Geforce Experience program. You can download the program from the official Nvidia website, here link. In this program you can change the settings of each game, including screen resolution.

Changing resolution via Properties

Right click on the game shortcut and select “Properties”. Next, open the “Compatibility” tab and in the parameters set “Use screen resolution 640x480”. Open the game and select the desired resolution in its settings. This method is necessary for those who launch the game so that only the top corner of the game is visible, and it is simply impossible to open the internal settings and change the screen resolution.

Changing resolution via .ini or .cfg file

Go to the root folder of the game or documents and look for .ini or .cfg files. Next, open this file through notepad and change the resolution. Here's an example:

  1. In the documents folder My Games\Fallout 3
  2. Find the file falloutprefs.ini
  3. Edit the required resolution. In Fallout 3 you need to change these lines to the following values:
    iSize W=1920
    iSize H=1080
  4. Of course a lot depends on the game, and of course don't forget to enter other values ​​that match the screen. Also save this file in a different folder, just in case.

In the section to the question I changed the resolution in the game... I quit and now I can’t enter the one asked by the author Apple Reseller The best answer is to find the folder with the save files and delete it. If you figure it out, you can delete just the game settings file and there is no need to invent anything here

Answer from Alla_Kukusina[guru]
it means you haven’t deleted everything, otherwise how does it save your settings, I recommend reinstalling Windows

Answer from ZenCin[newbie]
Wow, why did you need to clean the registry? I could help, well, I think you’re a weirdo there already with the registry ((
Well, if your game starts up but there are no buttons or inscriptions, shorter than the menu in human words, then you have expanded the screen too much.

Answer from Konstantin[newbie]
Try in the shortcut properties on the compatibility tab and check the box next to "use screen resolution 640 by 480"

Answer from Yotalin[guru]
WHY were they rearranged?? ?
See how the game is launched from the command line in safe mode with options (not the BR computer, but the games)
And run it.
Just look for yourself...

Answer from Sasha Bondarev[newbie]
It's possible that your monitor doesn't support this resolution

Answer from Kitten[guru]
in the object line in the shortcut properties, try adding -freq 60 (this will change the hertz in the game)
Maybe this is the case, because at high resolution, high Hertz will not work...
write there -w 800 -h 600 (or other numbers) in my KC the resolution changes!

As a rule, computer games automatically detect what kind of hardware is installed on your computer and set the screen resolution accordingly. But sometimes, for some reason, the detection does not work correctly, and the resolution specified by the game turns out to be less than the maximum possible. In this case, we will tell you how to change the screen resolution in the game in this article.

Changing resolution in games

Of course, each specific game has its own nuances, but usually the screen parameters are configured for all games in the same section. To change the game resolution, launch it and find the “Settings” item (“Settings” or “Options” for English-language games) on the start screen.

In the settings, you most likely need the “Display” section (“Display” for English-language games). Open it and find the item “Resolution” (in English “Resolution”). Use the slider or drop-down list to select the desired resolution. Here you can disable full-screen mode, if the game provides such an option.

After this, you will most likely need to click the “Apply” button, although some games may not have one. After this, the new settings will be applied automatically. Most often there is no need to restart the game - the new resolution takes effect immediately.

How to change resolution in configuration files

In some cases, you can also change the screen resolution without starting the game. To do this, find the folder with the working game files in the “C:\Program Files” directory (or “C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common” if the game is installed from Steam). In the game folder, look for a file called “gamename.ini” or “gamename.cfg”. Open it with Notepad, find the “Resolution” item and set the necessary parameters in it, and then save the file.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that many modern games have a number of configuration files, and it is not always possible to immediately figure out which of them contains the resolution. Therefore, it is easier and more reliable to change the resolution directly in the game itself.

With the development of computer hardware, a huge variety of different devices, new functions, shaders, graphics rendering technologies, etc. appear. With such diversity, it can be difficult for game application developers to create a product that runs equally correctly on all computers. One of the common problems that you may encounter is incorrect permission of a running application. Therefore, the question of how to change the screen resolution without entering the game (if you cannot enter it) increasingly arises among ordinary users. After all, sometimes on a small screen the game is displayed in high resolution and part of the gaming space, such as the main menu of the game, may appear in an invisible part of the screen.

Very often, game developers use special configuration files to store game settings. Let's consider the issue of changing the screen resolution using the example of the game Far Cry 3. I took only one game as an example, since changing these settings is done depending on how the game itself is programmed. Therefore, there is no universal way to change the screen resolution before entering the game.

With this short article I just want to show an example so that you have an idea of ​​how this can be done. Thus, if you find some way on any game forum, you will already understand the logical chain.

Files to change resolution

First you need to find the file in which these settings are stored. Most often these files are called "Config" or "UserProfile".

In general, the name should be somehow related to the game settings. The file location can be either in the directory with the game installed, or in the game folder created in documents. The Far Cry 3 configuration file is located in the documents in the “Far Cry 3” folder. It's called "GamerProfile".

The settings file was found, but it has an XML extension. When you open it by double-clicking the mouse, an empty browser window opens and that’s it. The fact is that this file needs to be opened using a text editor. Some games also store settings directly in text files. You can launch them simply by double-clicking the mouse. Right-click on this file and select “Open with” and select the “Notepad” program from the drop-down list.

A file will open with a set of letters that is incomprehensible at first glance. But don’t rush to get upset - everything is not so complicated. Resolution in English - “Resolution”. So we find this word in the text. You can use text search by pressing the key combination “CTRL” + “F”, then enter the search word in the field that appears. Enter “Resolution” in the empty field and click the “Find Next” button. There can be many results, but we are interested in something similar to “Resolution Width” or “Resolution X” or simply “Resolution”.

Now let's start setting the resolution. To display the game correctly on the screen, you must specify a resolution equal to or lower than the maximum resolution of the monitor. On desktop computers, the most commonly used resolutions are 1920 by 1080, 1280 by 1024 or 1024 by 768, on laptops - 1366 by 768, 1280 by 720. The first number indicates the width of the image in pixels, and the second - the height. So, to the right of “Resolution” in quotation marks is the width and length of the screen. Save the file and safely launch our game. Now it runs with the resolution we specified.

In some games, a launcher file is created in the installation folder. For example, there is one in the game “Cry Of Fear”. It's called "CoFLaunchApp". When you launch it, a window opens in which you can also change the resolution of the game without starting it, save the settings and you can start the game.

Registry and game icons

As you know, all Windows settings are stored in the registry, and with the help of the registry editor, you can also change the screen resolution. Again, I can’t tell you exactly where you can find this parameter in it. Returning to what you said, look for this question on the forum of your game. There they can tell you which branch and which parameter is responsible for this setting.

In some games, you can change the screen resolution in the properties of the icon through which you launch the game. For example, in old games this could be done and most likely now there are games where you can perform this operation.

Here's an example of one game:

In this article, I told you how to change the screen resolution without going into the game using the example of two games. Settings files may be located in system folders, hidden for the user, or may be completely absent. Sometimes developers write game settings directly in game files, but this is the exception rather than the rule. In such cases, I recommend that you look for the answer to this question on thematic forums or on the game developer’s website, or you can write a letter to the support service if you cannot solve the issue of changing the screen settings yourself.

P.S.: I wrote an article for a person who strongly, strongly asked me to tell him about this operation. I tried to explain that it was very difficult to write such an article due to the large number of games, but I still decided to help him. I hope this article helped you too.
