Hosting statistics. Hosting rating in Russia. Best hostings in Russia

Hosting statistics. Hosting rating in Russia. Best hostings in Russia

Greetings, friends! We continue to deal with issues related to website creation. In the last part we learned. Today we’ll talk about which hosting to choose for your website and where to buy it.

I’ll tell you what characteristics you need to pay attention to and review the TOP 7 hosting providers, from which you can easily choose the best option for your project in terms of price and quality.

I won’t dive deep into technical aspects, so it will be clear even to a beginner.

To choose the best hosting option, you need to understand the website with what characteristics you are going to host it.

For most who are making a website from scratch, any cheapest shared hosting will do. For example, (1 month free). Because young sites do not have high traffic and load.

I don’t recommend buying an expensive, powerful server right away. Start with the simplest, then as the load grows you can easily upgrade the tariff or move to another hosting.

Think about this when your hosting can't handle the load. I transfer my information sites to dedicated servers after they reach 20,000 visitors per day.

I suggest starting the selection with the initial data. I understand that most modern hosting services support any website characteristics and this section is essentially useless, but let’s figure it out anyway.

Site characteristics

What kind of website are you going to create?

Site type

All other characteristics depend on the type. If you are creating a simple project: a blog, information site, project business card or personal portfolio, landing page, online store, then you will not need high performance; any of those listed in this article will do.

If you are going to create a portal or service where you will upload heavy data or complex computing algorithms, then simple virtual hosting may not be enough. In this case, I can recommend taking a VPS or dedicated server.

The hosting load is expressed in units such as CP. CP is an abstract value that is calculated using many parameters. In simple terms, it depends on how many users access the resources (data) of the site, and how much these resources consume server power when used.

When the site is young or under development, it is not possible to estimate this load. In other cases, you go to the reports and see what the daily load is on your resource.


Capacity is the size of the storage for site data, like the size of a hard drive on a computer. You can find it out if you already have a website ready to launch.

For example, a landing page weighs up to 3 MB on average. If you are making an information site that will be updated daily with content (articles and photos), then 1–2 GB will definitely be enough for the next year or two.

The problem is that beginners do not know how to optimize data, thereby uploading very heavy files to the site and managing to spend all the disk space that they have to buy in a month.

In 4 years of blogging, I only used 1.5 GB. Come to me, I’ll teach you how to properly optimize content so that pages load quickly and don’t overload your hosting.

Platform (CMS)

Another parameter that you need to know is what engine your site is on and whether it is supported by hosting. If WordPress, Bitrix, Joomla or another popular CMS, then you don’t have to worry. All hosters support them.

We estimate our parameters, taking into account our plans for the future, and select the required hosting based on them.

Hosting Features

What else should you pay attention to when choosing the best hoster?

Test period

All normal providers provide a trial period from 1 week to several months. This allows us to get acquainted with all the functionality, stability of operation and launch the site without investment.

Location of data centers

According to the law on personal data (152-FZ), all databases of sites that collect personal data of Russian users (telephone numbers, email, names, surnames, etc.) must be stored on the territory of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, access to your website in Russia may be blocked.

When choosing a hosting, look at where its data centers are located.


An individual parameter that only you can evaluate. How convenient and intuitive is your personal account with all the functions and settings.

Technical support

The speed and quality of support response is an important factor in the choice. When working with hosting, there are often situations when technical support assistance is needed.

Variety and flexibility of tariffs

Considering your goals and plans for the future, see if there is an opportunity to increase the performance characteristics of your hosting without moving to another one.

Don't take free hosting

There are so-called free hostings, I would even say shareware, because you know where there is free cheese.

Such providers do different things, they can show their advertisements on your website and thus monetize, do not bear any responsibility for problems with data, technical support can take a long time to respond or demand many times more for a tariff upgrade if there is a lack of performance.

If you just want to practice making websites, then use it, but I don’t recommend it for serious projects.

TOP 7 hostings

Review of the best providers according to reviews of webmasters in Russia and the CIS. They work on Linux and Windows operating systems and have everything necessary for the functioning of any website.


In 3 years of working with him I had no problems. I can't leave bad reviews about him. Mine and the course students’ sites work stably.

After all, we live in the 21st century and now there are no problems with the performance of servers, everyone has powerful hardware, tariffs for any needs, high-speed communication channels and round-the-clock technical support.

We can only wish you success and prosperity in creating your Internet project. Subscribe to blog news and stay tuned for new interesting articles for webmasters.

Write in the comments which host you chose and why.

In the next part I will show you how to buy hosting using an example.

Good afternoon to all those who came to this page. As you probably already understood from the title, the topic of today’s article is the best hosting for websites in Russia.

I decided to raise this issue, since all my friends and readers often address it to me. This is understandable, because nowadays more and more people are creating various online projects, and many need advice from an experienced webmaster.

It so happened that I have been studying for five years now. During this period, I had to change more than a dozen different hosting providers.

But why couldn’t I sit on one? There are several reasons:

  • Inexperience. As a beginner, I didn’t understand at all what to look for when choosing a hosting;
  • Price. I wasn't ready to spend a lot of money on my projects at once;
  • Growth of projects. As projects grew, new needs emerged;
  • Technologies. Over time, new technologies appear on the market that work faster and better and have a more favorable price.

Actually, now I will conduct a detailed analysis of the main parameters of hosting, share reviews and my personal opinion so that you, dear readers, do not have to face all these problems. Our rating today will help you choose one hosting and work with it for a long time without unnecessary difficulties and worries.

1. For beginners

Many people who plan to create their own website know that for this they first need hosting and a domain, but not everyone knows the definition of these words. So I'll try to explain what is it in simple words.

  • Hosting is a server that allows you to provide access to information (on the site). Imagine a computer that works around the clock and is constantly connected to the Internet. This is where your website is stored.
  • Domain (domain name) - the address of your website. On my blog domain: website

It is worth understanding that hosting plays an important role in the development of any Internet resource; loading speed and stability of operation depend on it. After all, no one wants to be on a site that takes a long time to load and periodically does not work.

And vice versa, the faster and more stable the work, the better your resource is promoted in search engines.

Why you shouldn't choose free hosting

Also, all beginners should clearly understand that they should not choose free hosting for their website. It would be much wiser to register for hosting with a trial period. And all because free providers have a number of significant disadvantages, such as:

  • Third-party advertising on your website;
  • Low load limit;
  • Terrible technical support;
  • Reduced functionality;
  • And a whole set of negative characteristics.

2. How to choose hosting for a website

Next we will talk about the main parameters that you should pay attention to. There will be a lot of them, and if you don’t want to delve into all these details, then you can simply trust my rating and choose from it the hosting that ranks in the first positions.

Hosting quality characteristics

  1. Cost of services- one of the most important factors. “How much does hosting cost?” is the first question to ask. From different providers you can see the same services at completely different prices. The host should not be very cheap and very expensive, otherwise you might wonder whether he treats his clients fairly.
  2. Data center location(servers). Make sure that the server is as close to your clients as possible. For example, if you conduct your business in Russia, then you should be hosted on a Russian hosting. This step will help increase the site loading speed.
  3. Bonuses and discounts. Initially, this may seem like just a “nice addition,” but if you delve into the analysis, you will notice that some hosting services offer much lower prices if you pay for services a year in advance. This way you can save about 5-15%.
  4. Test period. Truly good hosting providers are not afraid to provide clients with a free trial period, because their owners do not doubt the quality of their services and are confident that new users should be completely satisfied with everything. The average period that you can get for a free trial is 1 month.
  5. Quality of technical support. It’s difficult even for an experienced webmaster to do without high-quality and timely support. Truly high-quality support will never leave you in a difficult situation and will do everything in its power to help solve the problem. Also a good indicator of support is the speed of response; ideally it should be from 15 minutes to an hour; bad is when you have to wait more than two hours for a response.
  6. Company officiality. It is worth paying attention to such things as the availability of a telephone number and documents confirming your activities. They can guarantee you that the company will not disappear one day.
  7. Reviews. If you are really serious about finding the best hosting, then be sure to use a rule that is universal for everyone: check the reviews. Moreover, it is better to do this in several places so as not to be deceived.
  8. Company age. The longer a company operates, the more you can rely on it.

Technical and functional characteristics

  1. Reliability(uptime) - this parameter tells us how stable the hosting is. It is measured as a percentage and depends on the continuity of work throughout the year. An uptime greater than 99.9% would be considered a good indicator. The rest of the time, hosting may be unavailable due to technical work.
  2. Technical features. If you have a dynamic website (for example, a CMS, a la WordPress), you need hosting with PHP support. Its version is also important; for example, version 7.* works several times faster than its predecessor. You should not choose hosting that supports PHP versions lower than 5.6. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that some scripts require specific extensions on the server. So, what must be present for a dynamic site:
    1. FTP & SSH access;
    2. SSDs, not regular drives;
    3. PHP version >= 5.6;
    4. MySQL version >= 5.4.
  3. Hosting panel- This is the hosting management interface. It is worth understanding that the appearance of the panel is not only a matter of taste, but also convenience, which is so necessary for beginners. Here I also want to note that the vast majority of panels are intuitive.
  4. Frequency of backups. Backup is a backup of files and databases. A very important thing that can be compared to an insurance pole: you should always have it just in case.
  5. Limitations on the number of databases and sites. Most hosting providers require additional payment for the creation of additional databases and sites, more than the number initially specified. If you plan to create several projects, then you should pay attention to this.
  6. Memory. An important parameter for those people who plan to create projects containing a large number of media files. For a simple information site or blog, even 100 megabytes will be enough for a couple of years. In any case, for an additional fee you can always expand the amount of disk space.
  7. Free SSL certificate. It is needed for more secure communication in case people leave personal data on your site, for example, when registering. It also gives a green “Trusted” line in the browser bar. Nowadays such a certificate is available on almost every self-respecting website. Many hosting providers provide them to their users for free. Why not save an extra $5-10 a year?

I have not listed all the parameters. The remaining characteristics of the vast majority of hosting sites are the same.

3. Rating of hosting providers 2018 in Russia

In my top list, only the highest quality hosting services have been selected, whose quality parameters are at the highest level relative to many others, but let’s now find out which provider is the best of the best?

HostingAdvantagesPrice per monthTest periodTerm of the workGrade


Selecting a data center

Virus protection

Free SSL

Promo code:

Since 20045+


Selecting a data center

Virus protection

Databases: ∞

30 daysSince 20075

Highly recommend Don't buy too cheap hosting! As a rule, there are a lot of problems with it: the server sometimes does not work, the equipment is old, support takes a long time to respond or cannot solve the problem, the hoster’s website is buggy, errors in registration, payment, etc.

We have also collected tariffs from thousands of hosters so that you can choose hosting at a specific price.

Cloud hosting- load distribution across several servers if the server with your site is overloaded or does not work. This is a guarantee that users will be able to see your site in any case. But this is an expensive, more complex option that not all providers provide.

Shared hosting- suitable for most entry-level projects with traffic up to 1000 people per day. In such hosting, the server power is divided between several hosting accounts. The service is easy to set up even for beginners.

VPS- suitable for more complex projects with a fairly large load and attendance of up to 10,000 people per day. Here, the server capacity is fixed for each virtual server, while the complexity of configuration increases.

Dedicated server- needed for very complex and resource-intensive projects. A separate server is allocated for you, the power of which only you will use. Expensive and difficult to set up.

Accommodation and maintaining your own server in a hosting data center is not a very popular service and is required in exceptional cases.

CMS is a website content management system. Hosters try to make a separate tariff for each of them or simplify installation. But in general, these are more marketing moves, because... Most popular CMSs do not have special hosting requirements, and those that do exist are supported on most servers.

Test period- provided by the hoster free of charge for 7-30 days so that you can verify its quality.

Moneyback- the period during which the hoster undertakes to return the money if you do not like the hosting.

Bulletproof hosting- companies that allow you to post almost any content, even prohibited content (spam, warez, doorways, pornographic materials). Such companies do not remove the content of your website at the first complaint (“abuse”).

Unlimited hosting- hosting that has no limits on the number of sites, databases and mailboxes, traffic, disk space, etc. Usually this is more of a marketing gimmick, but you might find something interesting for yourself.

Secure hosting- one where the administration constantly updates the software installed on the servers, installs basic protection against DDoS attacks, antivirus and firewalls, blocks hacked sites and helps to “cure” them.

DDOS protection- companies that provide hosting with protection against DDoS attacks. Such packages are significantly more expensive than regular ones, but they are worth the money, since your site will be protected from all types of network attacks.

The main problem now is the most reliable provider, because no one wants to lose information and traffic stored on the server due to constant interruptions in site availability. Therefore, you should focus primarily on the age of the hosting, i.e., how long it has been “afloat”, but do not choose a provider based on the monthly cost.

We also do not recommend giving preference to free options. They are suitable exclusively for a novice webmaster who is just learning how to make simple websites and does not want to get involved in all the intricacies of CMS (engines). It makes it easier to understand how to transfer a domain, how to load a website, etc. For more experienced professionals, paid hosting would be the best option.

Hosting rating: proven providers 2019

Interruptions, poor loading speed, lack of adequate technical support - all these are constant companions of poor hosting. Here is a list of quality indicators of a good provider:

  • Support Perl, PHP, ASP, CGI, htaccess;
  • Lots of disk space;
  • Multiple sites are allowed;
  • Powerful and fast server.

The 2019 hosting rating in Russia will help you navigate all the diversity.

The best option for a young site is BEGET

Beget— hosting is inexpensive and quite functional. A big plus is the availability of prompt technical support, ready to help. On average, waiting for a response does not last more than half an hour. In the market since 2007, it has since gained an excellent reputation.

The interface is extremely clear and convenient - to use hosting, there is no need to understand the instructions or spend a lot of time Googling. It is optimal for a novice webmaster, since it supports the popular CMS WordPress, as well as Bitrix, Joomla, Drupal, MODx and others. The 4 basic tariffs are called:

  • Blog;
  • Start;
  • Noble;
  • Great.

Their main difference is in the permissible load, the amount of space on the hard drive and the number of sites that can be hosted. The average price is 135 rubles per month. Other services include: shared hosting, VIP hosting, domain registration. If the tariff is paid for a year in advance, the client receives from 1 to 5 domains (depending on the chosen tariff plan) in for free. You can transfer your site for free.

Distinctive features:

  1. Compatible with popular CMS;
  2. Uptime 99.8%, can withstand loads up to 65 CP/day;
  3. New functions are constantly being added and the interface is being improved;
  4. Test period – 30 days. Currently the longest among competitors.

Universal and versatile REG.RU

Provider REG.RU on the market since 2006. Just recently, hosting released a mobile application, which allows users to easily manage the site without even being at a PC.

It is versatile: optimal for both a small blog and a large online store. Customers are offered a choice of 3 control panels, 6 tariffs and 3 VIP programs. In general, everything is as simple and convenient as possible. The average monthly cost is about 186 rubles.

If you use this promotional code when registering for REG RU - C176-242F-5BC8-F5FE, you will receive a 5% discount.

Bonuses: free SSL certificate, extended file system, ability to choose any control panel. All plans have automatic protection against DDoS attacks, a built-in antivirus, and even their own website builder.

Maximum benefit with minimal payment – ​​HOSTLAND

Provider Hostland You will be pleased with the loyal approach to the formation of the cost of tariff plans: on average, the most expensive of the proposed tariffs will cost 399 rubles per month. Using it, the webmaster receives 20 Gb of free disk space and an unlimited amount of MySQL, which will allow the owner to create several more sites on this hosting, which are easy and convenient to manage using an unlimited number of databases.

The most budget tariff is 119 rubles. The site is easy to understand; a nice bonus is SSL certification, which is already included in the price of any of the available tariff plans. Additional hosting features:

  • Setting up and transferring a website from third-party hosting is free;
  • Compatible with php 7;
  • There is an antivirus scanner Ai-Bolit.

To start using the trial period, just visit the provider’s website, enter your email address in the field and that’s it. No more gestures, the account will be activated instantly.

The optimal combination of quality and cost coupled with convenience - TIMEWEB

TimeWeb earned its place in the TOP of the best hosting in Russia thanks to the availability of favorable tariffs: the most budget for 129 rubles per month, the most expensive for 450 rubles. At the same time, everyone gets a domain as a gift. It has been operating on the Russian market since 2006 and is not slowing down even now. According to statistics, the provider increases its client base by 4 thousand people every month; today over 150 thousand webmasters resort to its services.

The company is trying to offer users new products, the latest being the ability to group accounts. Now it is much more convenient to switch between different accounts by pressing just one key. The downside is the need to pay separately for an SSL certificate.

Description of features:

  1. Powerful servers that provide a high load threshold;
  2. Large limit of free memory;
  3. There is a good website builder;
  4. Support 5.3-5.6 versions of php, Python and Perl;
  5. Disk space can be expanded upon customer request;
  6. All sites run on SSD drives, which are many times better and faster than outdated HDDs.

The downside is the slow work of the support service; you will have to wait at least a day for an answer.

Hostinger with unlimited traffic

Provider Hostinger offers clients to use any of 3 tariffs: “Simple”, “Premium” and “Business”. The second and third options allow you to use unlimited resources in your work. This is not only unlimited traffic, but also disk space, the number of sites and accounts. Price range for VPS from 296 rub. up to 4000 rub.

Hosting allows you to work with a convenient and intuitive panel, where you have access to all the necessary options from the file editor to instant CMS installation. If a client needs to create a simple landing page or business card, it is convenient to use the ability to integrate with a website builder. As with many other hosting services, here a free domain is issued when you pay for hosting for a year or more (with the exception of purchasing the basic “Simple” starting tariff).

SPRINTHOST - another option for beginners

SprintHost is the provider that closes the hosting rating of 2019. It focuses on the needs of novice webmasters, so it has developed basic tariffs costing 98, 298, 498 rubles and a premium option. This simple and budget option is perfect for a small blog or online store. An interesting feature of the host is the Nginx UP module, which shows the extent of file downloads. Additionally, users may be offered to rent VDS and servers.

If the client needs more disk space, unfortunately, it will have to be purchased separately. Therefore, the provider's tariff plans lack flexibility. In such a situation, the client will be forced to switch to another tariff, which will not suit everyone.

Other available options include:

  • Virtual hosting;
  • You can get a free domain if you pay for a year in advance;
  • There is good technical support; users can ask questions over the phone at any time of the day;
  • If a person moves from another hosting, he is given two months of free service on SPRINTHOST as a bonus.

Hosting prices are below market prices, which is undoubtedly attractive.

How to choose the best hosting for your needs?

Based on this rating of hosting providers, each webmaster will be able to choose the best one for himself. As you may have noticed, the issue of cost is far from the main criterion that you should focus on. A modest cost usually means limited functionality, and an inflated monthly fee does not guarantee that you will receive the full set of options required for the job.

You need to look for a provider that has an affordable price and that meets your needs. It is impossible to do without practical testing of a particular service. In practice, Beget or HostLand is more often used for young resources, although experienced webmasters also prefer the first option. By the way, this site (site) is also located on . In any case, the ideal hoster is always honest with its clients, it has round-the-clock support, and there is no need to pay extra for basic services. His uptime is good, and even if technical failures occur, he is ready to provide users with compensation for the inconvenience caused.

We invite you to watch another video version of the TOP 10 provider rating (where Beget takes 1st place):


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Hello, habrahabr!
We have compiled a selection of various ratings and RuNet services designed to help website owners choose the best provider and facilitate this process.
Hosting rating based on objective indicators. The main criterion used in the evaluation is uptime. Other indicators used to determine ranking positions are the loading time of the main page of the hosting site, average loading speed, and other time parameters. Considering that the ranking results are based on measurable indicators, the results can be called objective. However, the uninterrupted functioning of a hosting site does not always mean high-quality work of client projects. On the other hand, the resource makes it possible to obtain at least some unbiased information.
One of the oldest hosting directories with reviews in RuNet. Each hosting provider can create their own page with information about the services offered and tariffs. The site has published more than 4,000 reviews of hosters registered in the directory and who have allowed you to leave reviews about themselves. Interestingly, only current clients of companies have the opportunity to add responses. Thus, the site’s creators solve the problem of possible black PR from competitors. On the other hand, existing clients may be afraid to leave negative reviews due to a possible response from the hoster.
Large and popular catalog of reviews about hosters. A convenient response system has been implemented. In addition to the standard text comment, users can note the advantages and disadvantages of the provider indicated by other users or add their own. The disadvantages include the inability to determine the veracity of the review. You don't even need to register to leave comments. Reviews can be left by real customers, competitors of the company, or simply those who like to “troll” the community.
Portal about hosting with provider ratings. A comprehensive rating is formed based on customer reviews and hoster activity on the site. Hosting companies, within the portal, can publish news, inform customers about current promotions and organize surveys for users. For each active action, the hoster receives additional points to the rating. A more objective rating option is evaluative. It is based on the average rating given by users. The idea of ​​the evaluative rating itself is good, but so far ill-conceived. It is not very correct to rank companies with one or hundreds of reviews based on the average rating. Perhaps, for more adequate results, you should introduce a minimum threshold for the number of ratings for participation in the rating or come up with another solution.
