What to spend traffic on. What is traffic on the Internet. The need to avoid traffic shaping

What to spend traffic on. What is traffic on the Internet. The need to avoid traffic shaping

Despite the obvious convenience of unlimited Internet tariffs, many users are content with plans with prepaid traffic. And most often the reason for this is not their own choice, but the limitation of the provider’s technical capabilities. At the same time, at the end of the month the question often arises: where to spend traffic? This is especially true if the unspent volume simply burns out.


  • The simplest and most obvious way to spend traffic is to download large files. This can be multimedia content, for example, movies or music, respectively, in Blue-Ray or Lossless quality. Such files will take up a lot of space on your hard drive. The main thing is to make sure that the traffic is not overused in this way, otherwise one downloaded movie may cost the next month of Internet use.
  • You can use your traffic to benefit your computer. Find and install (or update if you already have) various anti-malware programs. The generally accepted standard for home use is the antivirus + firewall software combination. Read reviews of antiviruses and firewalls from different developers. Select the options you like and download the distributions. Updating anti-virus databases and firewall protection rules may also require additional traffic.
  • Another way to use traffic profitably is to update the drivers of all devices installed in the system. Drivers are produced not only by the developers of the devices themselves, but also by third-party manufacturers. However, they may differ in the set of functions and the use of hidden device capabilities. Before experimenting with new drivers, be sure to create system restore checkpoints. In case of problems, they can be used to easily roll back the system.
  • If you are not interested in high-quality movies and music, your computer is protected from attacks from the Internet, and your equipment runs on the latest drivers, just have fun on the Internet. To spend traffic, watch online TV channels, listen to online radio. Go to any video hosting site and study the top video clips with the most views. Such spontaneous trips on the Internet often broaden one's horizons.
  • Greetings, dear readers! Most likely, you have worked for some time in Windows 10 on a computer, tablet or laptop, have become a little accustomed to the new product from Microsoft, and have downloaded many important and useful programs from the Internet. Or not very useful. And one day the thought might strike you: how much traffic did I download this month? Interesting? So I became interested. And now I will show you where to find information on Internet use over the last 30 days.

    Let's go in Start -> Options -> Network and Internet. You can quickly open Settings using Win + I.

    In chapter Network and Internet on the tab data usage you can see general information on all your network interfaces for which the system has accumulated statistics. In this case, I only see Ethernet (regular dedicated cable). On tablets and laptops, this section will display Wi-Fi statistics.

    So, you saw the numbers of gigabytes downloaded, your eyes widened and you wanted to immediately find out the details. What applications on your device consumed how much traffic you can find out if you click on the link Usage Information.

    After clicking on the link, you will be shown more detailed information. You can clearly see which applications consumed how much internet. At this point, the detailing of the data ends, that is, you cannot find out the specific addresses of sites, which files were downloaded.

    But that is not all! Information on downloaded gigabytes of invaluable traffic can be displayed in the form of a live tile on the Windows 10 start screen. To do this, right-click on the section name data usage and click on the item Pin to Start Screen.

    A confirmation message will pop up, click Yes.

    The tile will appear on the Start screen. If its size does not seem large enough to you, then right-click on the tile and select Resize -> Wide, as shown in the screenshot.

    Well, it has become noticeably more convenient, hasn’t it? Now you can always quickly estimate the amount of downloaded data by simply opening the Start menu and glancing at the tile.

    Almost every user of the World Wide Web knows the concept of Internet traffic. If speak about mobile operators, then for them, the greater the volume of available traffic, the higher the cost. Most operators have tariffs that do not have traffic restrictions, but their cost is significantly higher than that of analogues with restrictions.

    Determining where precious Megabytes go is half the battle. Rational use of all services of the global Internet should become a habit.

    Programs like uTorrent.exe should not start when turned on and run idle.

    How is Internet traffic measured? The smallest unit of measurement of the information received is Bit.

    Depending on the situation and the volume consumed, the consumed data can be counted in Bytes, Kilobytes, Megabytes. The most common unit is Megabyte (MB).

    • Average sizes of the most popular files:
    • three dozen pages on the Internet or 400 text pages: 1 MB;
    • 5 high quality photos: 1 MB;
    • one audio file: 3-12 MB;

    one video clip: 30-200MB, film: 600-1400MB.

    In conclusion, it is worth saying that monitoring and counting Internet traffic allows you not only to avoid the need to pay inflated bills, but also to save significantly, without limiting yourself in using the capabilities of the Internet.

    Let's go in Start -> Options -> Network and Internet. You can quickly open Settings using Win + I.

    In chapter Network and Internet on the tab data usage Greetings, dear readers! Most likely, you have worked for some time in Windows 10 on a computer, tablet or laptop, have become a little accustomed to the new product from Microsoft, and have downloaded many important and useful programs from the Internet. Or not very useful. And one day the thought might strike you: how much traffic did I download this month? Interesting? So I became interested. And now I will show you where to find information on Internet use over the last 30 days.

    So, you saw the numbers of gigabytes downloaded, your eyes widened and you wanted to immediately find out the details. What applications on your device consumed how much traffic you can find out if you click on the link Usage Information.

    After clicking on the link, you will be shown more detailed information. You can clearly see which applications consumed how much internet. At this point, the detailing of the data ends, that is, you cannot find out the specific addresses of sites, which files were downloaded.

    But that is not all! Information on downloaded gigabytes of invaluable traffic can be displayed in the form of a live tile on the Windows 10 start screen. To do this, right-click on the section name data usage and click on the item Pin to Start Screen.

    A confirmation message will pop up, click Yes.

    The tile will appear on the Start screen. If its size does not seem large enough to you, then right-click on the tile and select Resize -> Wide, as shown in the screenshot.

    Well, it has become noticeably more convenient, hasn’t it? Now you can always quickly estimate the amount of downloaded data by simply opening the Start menu and glancing at the tile.

    you can see general information on all your network interfaces for which the system has accumulated statistics. In this case, I only see Ethernet (regular dedicated cable). On tablets and laptops, this section will display Wi-Fi statistics.

    Unlimited tariffs for mobile Internet are expensive; most often, tariffs with a certain amount of traffic are used, for exceeding which you need to pay extra. There are also tariffs that pay for each megabyte. In this case, it is especially important to reduce traffic consumption to a minimum.

    Fortunately, the settings of the Android operating system allow you to reduce traffic consumption without significantly affecting the quality of the device. Below are 12 recommendations on this issue.

    1. Traffic consumption diagnostics

      Before you can solve the problem, you need to understand it, so open your smartphone settings and find the section called "Data transfer". Look for the section here "Mobile data".

      You'll see a detailed overview of exactly which apps have consumed your data the most in the last 30 days. If you wish, you can set the period for which you will view traffic consumption. The biggest spenders are usually social media apps, browsers, video and audio streaming programs, and the Play Store.

      Tap an app or service to take a closer look at your data usage. It shows how much is spent in active mode and how much in background.

    2. Turn off unnecessary background activity

      When you find out what and how much traffic is consumed, it’s time to resolve this issue. Start by reducing unnecessary data usage in the background. This is different from social networks and news apps, as they often check for content updates at regular intervals. You can disable this behavior, but usually you won't notice much of a difference.

      Open social and news applications one by one and look at their settings to save data. For example, in the Twitter app on Android, there is a section in the settings called "Data usage". Click on it and uncheck the box "Synchronize data", this will not prevent you from receiving notifications, for which there is a separate settings section.

      Apps like Flipboard have a section called "Reduce Data Consumption", which by default is set to "Full Use". Change the option to "On demand" or "Don't use mobile data", because you don't need news updates unless you're looking at the app.

      If you have an application that consumes a lot of data in the background and cannot be controlled in any way in the settings, like Facebook, use system-level controls. Open section Settings > Applications and select the desired program. On the screen that appears, click on the section "Data transfer" and turn off the switch "Background mode". This will prevent the program from running in the background unless you are connected to a Wi-Fi network.

      You need to be careful when turning off background activity. For example, if you disable it in Messenger, you will not receive messages when your smartphone's screen is turned off. You probably won't want to miss messages from your contacts. The same applies to Facebook, until you launch it manually, you won't know that there are new notifications about other users' activity.

    3. Stop autoplay

      Videos consume a lot of bandwidth, and many apps have a bad habit of launching them as soon as your back is turned. Social networks like to play videos automatically when you scroll through your news feed, but this can be prevented.

      In the Facebook app, you can open the main menu and in the settings there are options to disable autoplay. On Twitter, a similar option is located in the “Data Usage” section, where you can also disable image previews in the feed and disable high-quality video when working on mobile networks. Instagram, Snapchat and other social networks have similar settings. Find them and disable them.

    4. Data compression when working on the mobile Internet

      Next you need to force the browser to consume less traffic. The Google Chrome browser on Android has a feature called "Traffic saving", which, when turned on, compresses the data while it is being transmitted to you. This not only saves traffic, but also makes sites open faster. This option is available at the very bottom of the settings window.

      If you want to save traffic even more, use Opera or Opera Mini browsers. They have their own options for compressing web pages, videos, and limiting file downloads to Wi-Fi networks only.

    5. Optimize your music apps

      Do you have the Google Play Music app? Open its settings and find the “Mobile network quality” option. Install "Low" or "Average" and make sure that this sound quality is enough for you.

      Here, make sure that the option is enabled "Transfer via Wi-Fi only" and think about the option "Caching Streaming Music". It forces you to download each song you listen to to your device for local storage, so that when you listen to it again you don’t have to waste your bandwidth again.

      If you listen to the same songs often, enable this option. If not, it’s better not to touch it, so as not to waste extra traffic, especially when choosing low audio quality.

      Play Music isn't the only app with these settings. Spotify, Pandora and other music services and podcasts have similar controls. Always look at the settings in such applications and limit their traffic consumption.

    6. Saving on YouTube

      Continuing with the streaming theme, open the YouTube app and go to Settings. "Are common". There is a “Traffic Saving” option to broadcast video only in low quality using the mobile Internet, leaving HD for Wi-Fi networks.

      On the same page, disable the option "Autoplay".

    7. Download multimedia content in advance

      The best option to reduce your mobile data usage when streaming is to avoid it altogether, and many apps offer this option. You just need to download the content in advance via Wi-Fi so that it is stored locally on the device.

      If you have a Google Play Music subscription, you can download videos from YouTube to watch anytime. In YouTube settings, find the section "Background & offline". If you don't have a Play Music subscription, this section is missing.

    8. Offline navigation

      Something else that wouldn’t hurt to download in advance is Google Maps. The next time you need navigation, open the Maps app over Wi-Fi. Select the route you need and download the map you need.

      You can manage downloaded maps in the application settings in the “Downloaded areas” section.

    9. Play Store

      Applications need to be updated. But the size of the updates can be large, so you can accidentally use up a lot of traffic on your mobile Internet.

      To prevent this from happening, open the Play Store, in the settings, set the auto-update option to "Only via Wi-Fi".

    10. We eliminate leaks

      It's time to think about unused applications. They need to be deleted or at least disabled if they cannot be deleted, especially if they are in the list of traffic consumers. They may use up a little data, but why is that necessary?
    11. Checking account synchronization

      In settings, open the section "Accounts", press "Google" and select your account. Here you will see a long list of what is synced to the account. Most likely, you have never used some services. Disable synchronization for them, and if you have multiple accounts, repeat the process.
    12. Radical measures

      If you want to save as much as possible, the Android version has a Data Saver system tool that prevents most applications from using the mobile Internet if they are not open on the screen and are not actively used. They won't be able to run in the background, including notifying you of incoming messages, unless you're on Wi-Fi or add apps to your exceptions list.

      This is a drastic measure if you want to at least temporarily reduce traffic consumption to a minimum. The option is located in Android settings.

    Almost every user of the World Wide Web knows the concept of Internet traffic. If speak about mobile operators, then for them, the greater the volume of available traffic, the higher the cost. Most operators have tariffs that do not have traffic restrictions, but their cost is significantly higher than that of analogues with restrictions.

    Internet for personal computers, which is provided by providers, is most often estimated based on Internet speed.

    There are billions of computers on the World Wide Web. Some call them servers - some information is stored on them, others connect to these servers to receive this information. From this we conclude that computers exchange information with each other.

    Data received from other computers is incoming traffic, and the data sent by your PC is outgoing. This category includes messages on VK, audio recordings you have downloaded, videos and much more. The unit of measurement is gigabyte, megabyte or kilobyte.

    Many providers have a so-called “Grid” - this is a place on the network or Internet, organized by the service provider, where users can download movies, music and exchange other information, but at the same time fee per consumable There is no traffic charge. Only users of that particular provider have access to the Grid.

    It often happens that one computer starts sending data to another without the knowledge of the PC owner. This happens when the computer is infected virus. In this case, outgoing traffic is significantly increases. To avoid such unpleasant situations, you need to use antiviruses that monitor any malicious software and neutralize it, preventing information leakage.

    How to find out spent traffic

    There are several ways to find out the amount of traffic consumed. Let's start with the simplest method.

    We use standard functionality

    It gives us the opportunity to find out how much information was received and consumed during the current internet sessions.

    On the taskbar, find the icon that displays your active Internet connection.

    By clicking on it you will see list possible connections, you need to select yours.

    Click on it right click.

    A window will appear that will display information about the duration of the connection, Internet speed, sent and received packets (this is traffic).

    When you turn off your computer and the connection is lost, the data will be reset to zero.

    If you use several accounts on your computer, then you can find out the same data on them. You will need to do the same manipulations.

    Third party software

    You can use special software to determine outgoing and incoming traffic. The choice here is huge. We settled on the Networx program.

    A very simple, informative, intuitive program.

    After installation, it will always be on your taskbar. You can contact it at any time and get all the necessary data.

    When you hover your mouse over the icon, the program will show you current internet speed.

    If you click on it right click, then a window will pop up.

    Clicking the button statistics, you will receive traffic data both current and for the day, week, month, year, you can view hourly report.

    Traffic on mobile devices

    On mobile devices, traffic is consumed much more more economical. This is ensured through mobile versions of sites, which are optimized specifically for the convenience of users accessing the Internet from gadgets.

    The simplest solution to the issue is to install the application. Each provider has developed software for smartphones that reflects the full traffic statistics.

    You can also find out the short number (it varies among operators). By sending an SMS to it, you will receive traffic information in response.
